Tag: presentation

How To Be A Good Speaker, Wherever You Go

How To Be A Good Speaker, Wherever You Go

Whether you’re unveiling the first round of logos to your clients, walking through a data analysis with your grant funder, or even aggrandizing your work experience on that crucial face-to-face job interview, coming across as confident, prepared, and engaging is just as important as the words coming out of your mouth. So how do you do that?

“Just imagine everyone in their underwear.”

No, don’t. That’s a joke, and a bad one at that. Instead, here there are some tips and tricks on how to be a good speaker, wherever you go:

Show Up

This one seems easy. You just have to get there, wherever there is: the conference room, convention stage, classroom, etc. Always be at least 15 minutes early. This gives you time to find a mirror, check yourself out for a minute (or two, or three) and run through your presentation. Preparation is 90% of the battle with public speaking.

You also have to be mentally present. Be focused and relaxed. Breathe and focus on that exact moment. Use eye contact to check in with each audience member. Breathe…1…2…make eye contact…breathe…1…2…make eye contact. Keep that rhythm up and you’ll get through your slides in no time.


Be Creative

You can’t just take your notes and put them verbatim onto a slide to project onto a screen. Nobody wants to hear you read off the screen what he or she can just as well read along with you. Craft compelling infographics, charts, and PowerPoint presentations that can be used to spice up any presentation. Use more picture and graphics than text, and always properly credit your sources.

Get To Know Your Audience

Not every presentation should be a two-way street, but when appropriate, ask questions to your audience. Make eye contact, single someone out, and have him or her answer a semi-rhetorical question to spring you into your next point. Breaking that presenter/audience barrier, even for a moment, keeps the energy up in the room and at the very least, forces everyone to pay attention to you lest you catch them off-guard and call them out in front of the rest of the group.


Be Ready For Anything

Because anything could happen—a presenter gets sick and you’re the next one up, or an impromptu donor pitch materializes in a seminar or networking event, and sometimes you’re tasked with putting on a show with little to no warning. This is where you really have to rely on being clear, concise, and confident.

As you begin, take a deep breath, set your intention, clear your head, and trust yourself. You should still have some knowledge of the subject matter. Probably not as much as you’d like, but that’s why you focus on the most salient points, and drive them home clearly. Other things to remember: eye contact, smile, and speak loud and clear.

Know What You Don’t Know

Respond to any hard question by first identifying two solid points that you’ve already made, and then riff on a possible answer. No matter your circumstance, remember that to a degree, the information sells itself. Your job is to make the audience receptive to hearing it.

It’s certainly possible that you’ll have to field a question that you can’t answer, and that’s okay. An honest “I don’t know” is always better than a waffling, circuitous, non-answer. People see right through that.

Here are some go-tos when you are caught off-guard at a client presentation:

  • “I can’t speak directly to that right now, but I’m happy to follow up with you.”
  • “That’s a really good question. Let me discuss it with my team and get back to you.”
  • “I’d want to do a little research before speaking to that. Let me dig into my resources at the office and I’ll follow up with you directly.”

No matter the circumstances, prepared or not, the main thing that will help you present like a pro is to believe what you’re saying. No matter how many times you forget your place, get interrupted, or have to deal with technical snafus, leading with your heart as well as your mind will make you come across as genuine and honest.

Find your connection to whatever it is you’re talking about, remember to breathe, and trust yourself. You’re gonna do great!

What to look for in a good presentation

What to look for in a good presentation

Here’s a look at what key signs to look out for when trying to find a high-quality presentation skills course that will leave you feeling confident and bursting with knowledge.

Body language


Every good presentation skills course should include a section on body language, even though this might not be the first thing that you look for. In between constructing what you want to say, trying to engage your audience and then practicing projecting your voice, it can be easy to forget about the other, less technical aspects of your delivery.


Body language plays a huge part in how successful you will be, but for most people, it’s something that they rarely – if ever – consider. To be effective in delivering a presentation, you’ll need to first be aware of your body language: how you stand, use your hands and where you direct your gaze, just for starters.


You can have the most interesting content but if your body language is introverted and passive, you’ll struggle to hold the audience’s interest. There’s body language techniques that the best politicians and public speakers use which subconsciously draw the audience in and provide an instant impact.

The use of technology

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Look for online sessions, distance learning or other uses of technology to provide you with different ways of absorbing the information, and refreshing your knowledge when you need to.


The course should also cover how you use technology in your presentations; not using technology at all could lead to your audience switching off but using it too much could detract from the actual content. The key is to use technology in a way which complements your presentation and adds value. A good course will explain how to achieve this.

Quality instructors


Anyone can repeat information that they’ve read elsewhere, but instructors and trainers who are experienced in delivering quality presentations themselves will add real value.


When you’re looking for a presentation skills course, don’t just look at the content, take some time to review the people who will be delivering it. Having the opportunity to learn directly from people who have given engaging presentations will be far more useful than simply reading or listening to content that has been compiled based on research.

Interactive content


Sitting and listening to trainers will quickly get boring, so look for a course that has lots of different types of content. Personal coaching, feedback from trainers, the chance to ask questions and workshop-style sessions will provide a far more useful way of learning, and you’ll gain far more than simply listening and taking notes.



No matter what industry you work in, there may come a time when you need to deliver a presentation.

The skills to do this and to be as effective as possible need to be learned, no matter how naturally communication comes to you. The above points should all be considered and looked for when booking a presentation skills course to be sure you’re getting the information that will be the most useful.

SIMPAR 2016 – Rome, Villa Piccolomini, April 7th – 8th – 9th, 2016

SIMPAR 2016 – Rome, Villa Piccolomini, April 7th – 8th – 9th, 2016

In this VIII edition of SIMPAR meeting we are continuing to pursue the idea of merging together basic and cinical science in order to suggest new clinical insights that could help patients with chronic pain.

Some of the best scientists in the world will join this meeting that is a place where to discuss how we can
implement our clinical practice and in the same time which are the unmet needs that we are waiting for from the basic science.
Hence from bench to bedside continues to be the mainstay of SIMPAR that is growing even more and more in the year reaching the 600 attendants from 40 different countries of the world last year.
SIMPAR is proud to be one of the most important place where You can find all different clinicians and scientist that are really involved in pain practice and pain science.
All together to win acute and chronic pain improving patients outcome.
A place in order to know where we are and where we must go with our daily clinical and research practice.
The only place where You can really discuss with the people and find new solution.

Cover Programma

logo_ecm 5 Crediti ECM




4th Techno-Urology Meeting. From pre-clinical setting to the operative room – Orbassano (TO), San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, January 27th-29th, 2016

4th Techno-Urology Meeting. From pre-clinical setting to the operative room – Orbassano (TO), San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, January 27th-29th, 2016

Development of new devices and instrumentation is continuously stimulating modern surgical practice. Technological renovation is driving the evolution of minimally invasive urologic surgery, especially in tertiary care centres. Conventional laparoscopy has represented a paradigm shift in urologic surgery over the last twenty years but the introduction of robotics and other novel technologies has driven another revolution, moving us into the next level of evolution of minimally invasive surgery: the “technological surgery”. In parallel with the technological revolution, novel research fields are being walked through, with the purpose of translating the findings in the daily surgical practice in order to facilitate it and improve the outcomes.

In the previous editions of this Meeting we tried to put the basis about the new point of view of modern urologic surgery and to offer the participants a punctual resign of the most recent technological innovations introduced during the last years, putting the accent over live surgery.

With the present fourth edition of the Meeting we would like to underline the importance of basic and translational researches in laboratory setting, and to show their application in the daily practice, either in medical or in surgical activities.

The scientific program will include a stimulating combination of live surgery sessions, lectures and thought-provoking debates featuring the world’s experts in the field. Key topics will be covered during this 3-days event, with a focus on recent updates in urological oncology in the first day, while going on with rich live surgery sessions about laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery, image-guided surgery, Mini-laparoscopy and its evolutions.

We are confident that the fourth edition of the meeting will be original and will give the attendees the opportunity of experience the current status of available innovative techniques and technologies applicated to medical and surgical urologists.

This is why we are confident that the novel edition of the meeting we have organized will be important either for urologists who participate to the first editions and new comers.

We look forward to seeing you in Turin!

Kindest regards,


Prokar Dasgupta,

Alexander Mottrie,

Francesco Porpiglia



4 CREDITI FORMATIVI : Simposio del 27 Gennaio