Tag: infographic

How To Plan Seating Arrangements [infographic]

How To Plan Seating Arrangements [infographic]

So you have found the perfect venue for your next event, now you need to start to think about the room layout and in particular the seating style for your audience.

As discussed before, the communication factor on any event is critical.

Whether you are setting up a business presentation, training classroom, hosting a full scale gala dinner or product launch, the arrangement of the seating can make all the difference.

You have invited your audience to communicate a message, so it’s important that your audience is seated in the best way to achieve the maximum impact for your message!

Check the infographic below and follow our tips:

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10 Tips to better manage your time

10 Tips to better manage your time

The reason time management gadgets and systems don’t work is that these systems are designed to manage clock time. Clock time is irrelevant. You don’t live in or even have access to clock time. You live in real time, a world in which all time flies when you are having fun or drags when you are doing your taxes.


The good news is that real time is mental: you create it. Anything you create, you can manage. It’s time to remove any self-sabotage or self-limitation you have around “not having enough time,” or today not being “the right time” to start a business or manage your current business properly.


There are only three ways to spend time: thoughts, conversations and actions. Regardless of the type of business you own, your work will be composed of those three items.

As an entrepreneur, you may be frequently interrupted or pulled in different directions. While you cannot eliminate interruptions, you do get a say on how much time you will spend on them and how much time you will spend on the thoughts, conversations and actions that will lead you to success.

Here is an infographic that will help you managing your time:


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Event Planning Budgets

Event Planning Budgets

Every event planner uses this budget to stay organized and prepared for any client inquiry, and an event budget will help you from overspending.

First of all, list four categories along the top:


Projected Expense

Actual Expense


Then categorize and track the expense items following this infographic:


How To Plan A Launch Party

How To Plan A Launch Party

A launch party is the perfect way to highlight your client’s new product or introduce your event planning business to clients and your supporters, so how do you make it memorable?

When you plan a launch party it’s more than hiring a venue and working with a caterer to make sure the right food is served.

When in the planning phase, it’s essential to decide what you must have at your party, what is nice to have and what you can do without.

Here are 10 tips to plan a launch party:
