Tag: gamification

Increase Your Event Through Gamification

Increase Your Event Through Gamification

Learn to “gamify” your event in a way that will keep attendees engaged and participating.

The basic idea of gamification is to apply “game mechanics and game design techniques in nongame contexts.” If employed effectively, it can increase engagement and encourage active participation.

Oftentimes, meeting attendees go through the motions of attending an event or a conference—they show up at sessions and attend networking events—but how can you ensure those attendees are actually learning, engaging and networking?

One clever approach? Gamify your event.


Gamification can help increase:

  • attendance at sessions, breakouts and networking events;
  • networking success;
  • social interactions and mentions; and
  • the fun factor!

Now, here are two steps to help you try it at your next event or meeting.

Step 1: Determine the goal of your meeting, and determine how gamification can help you achieve that objective.

Attendance: If increasing attendance is a goal, consider using a check-in game (digital or otherwise) for attendees. Reward the attendee with the most check-ins.

Networking: Want to ramp up your next networking event? Really get people mingling—and gaming—by rewarding the attendee who collects the most business cards or who scans the most nametag QR codes.

Social: Boost engagement, interactions and mentions on social media by tracking attendee participation across specified platforms. Reward attendees for being the most active and socially engaged.

Fun factor: Any method of gamification can make a meeting experience distinctly interesting, engaging and unique. The fun is inherent.


Step 2: At the end of any game, there’s a winner, right? The same goes for the gamification of your event.

The “prize” need not be monetary; it could include status rewards—think VIP access to networking events, dinners or cocktail receptions. Other prizes could be event swag, gift certificates from local businesses and services, and access to or discounts on hotel amenities.