Tag: fedrameetingsandevents

Fedra Meetings & Events: about us

Fedra Meetings & Events: about us

Twenty years of knowledge, experience and market expertise have led Fedra Congressi to the forefront of global conference management and to becoming one of the Italian’s leading Professional Conference Organizers (PCOs). For the past two decades, Fedra has established and maintained its winning reputation as a global meeting and association management provider.


Laparoscopia in Ginecologia Oncologica – Roma, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena, 12-14 Novembre 2017

Laparoscopia in Ginecologia Oncologica – Roma, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena, 12-14 Novembre 2017

Embriologia come storia di evoluzione di una specie. Embriologia come interpretazione
dinamica della Anatomia Umana. Embriologia come razionale della Anatomia
Chirurgica. Embriologia come esemplificazione della tecnica chirurgica. Embriologia
come interpretazione delle vie di diffusione neoplastica.
Di tutto ciò si discuterà nell’ambito del Workshop per capire quanto questi concetti
siano solo delle idee astratte o quanto rappresentino un nuovo modo di affrontare
vecchi problemi. Il tutto con un confronto continuo tra Embriologia, Anatomia Chirurgia
e Chirurgia grazie ad una live surgery continua che si svolgerà in contemporanea con
l’attività teorica.
Il corso sarà infatti strutturato in:
Hot Topic Lectures. Le letture magistrali affronteranno le problematiche emergenti
della chirurgia mininvasiva in ginecologia oncologica ed introdurranno le sessioni di
live surgery. Verrà dimostrato come l’anatomia chirurgica segua piani embriologici ben
definiti, la cui conoscenza permette una migliore applicazione delle tecniche chirurgiche.
Live Surgery.Verranno effettuati interventi in diretta utilizzando le tecniche più
avanzate di chirurgia mininvasiva nella stadiazione chirurgica dei principali tumori
Crossfire Debate alla moviola. Gli interventi saranno successivamente
riesaminati alla moviola e commentati da un panel di esperti.
Materiale didattico. Chiunque ne farà richiesta riceverà i filmati
degli interventi su supporto DVD.

Ospedale e Territorio senza Dolore – La realtà nella ASL Roma 1 – Roma, Sala Basaglia Padiglione 26, 2 Dicembre 2017

Ospedale e Territorio senza Dolore – La realtà nella ASL Roma 1 – Roma, Sala Basaglia Padiglione 26, 2 Dicembre 2017

Il controllo del dolore, obiettivo di fondamentale importanza nei programmi del Ministero della Salute, è da sempre uno dei cardini fondanti delle politiche sanitarie della ASL Roma 1, che di recente ha ribadito tale impegno inserendo la problematica del dolore e della sofferenza fra le attività dell’assistenza primaria ed ospedaliera. Il corso, partendo dal progetto Ospedale e  Territorio  Senza  Dolore  e dall’elaborazione del PDTA Terapia del Dolore, inserito nel Master Plan della nostra Azienda, si propone come luogo di scambio di idee tra specialisti ed operatori sanitari, con l’obiettivo di arricchire la cultura e la sensibilità alla cura del dolore.

La giornata, diretta ai medici che operano sia  in  ambito territoriale che ospedaliero nella ASL Roma 1, vuole essere anche un momento di informazione sul riscontro che la nostra Azienda offre in risposta ai bisogni della popolazione relativamente alla “Malattia  Dolore”.

How to transform your inauguration in an event

You spent time and money into the opening of an activity, you passed unscathed a jungle of bureaucratic demands, an odyssey of restructuring and supply contracts… And now you arrived at the inauguration day. The real work starts now.

In the first month of life, in fact, a new business forms the basis of his reputation: the choices made at this stage will affect the future of the whole enterprise.

The opening of your activity is not only a necessary step before you start to work seriously, it is a fundamental and irreplaceable element in the promotion of your business.

Here are five ideas to make it memorable.

  1. The rules of good neighbourliness


Make sure that the opening will serve to reinforce the good neighbourly relations with residents and other merchants of your way.

If possible, transform everything into an event with music and drink in the street, but, if your location does not allow it, remember to personally invite other traders in the area and generally make sure that their businesses can benefit from the traffic generated from your inauguration.

  1. Pictures or it did not happen


Invest in a good photographer. Of course, an Instagram filter can do wonders, but it can not compete with a professional photo shoot, which also remains visible long after the event on your website or on your Facebook page.

There’s no sandwiches tray photographed with the smartphone that can compete with a well post-produced photo of your guests enjoying the event with a good glass of white wine.

  1. Special moments streaming


Until recently, the online streaming option was available only in front of substantial budget. Today, thanks to Periscope and other similar platforms, a smartphone connected to internet can provide to a real live session.

Focus on something that really captures the attention of your potential audience, such as music or entertainment gadgets as gifts (see point 4).

  1. All customers are special


But those who are at the opening event are more, so prove it with a small gift to each one.

Put in your budget, among the promotional investments, a number of discount vouchers, gadgets or coupons, to give to your attendees.

This is the best way to capitalize on the enthusiasm of the event and start building a loyal customer base and a good reputation for your business.

  1. The difference between the opening event and the school party…


… It’s all in the buffet. Forget all the garden tables, glasses and plastic bottles and sandwiches tray. Invest instead in a small but high-quality catering, presented with elegance, and in some decoration suited to the spirit of your business.

Clients Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Clients Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Do you believe that events are the future? More importantly do your clients understand?

The importance of retaining a human connection externally with customers and clients and internally with staff and stakeholders, cannot be overstated. And successful connection is all about conversation, mutual understanding, and appreciation which all equals, you guessed it: Engagement.

So What Do We Mean By ‘Engagement’?

Clients Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Engagement is about adding value, building trust, and driving commitment. In doing so, brands and business are able to move their audiences from passive indifference to active participation.

It’s about creating authentic and meaningful interactions between people and the products and services with whom they choose to spend their valuable time. It’s no surprise to learn that the deepest connections between audiences and brands are formed through a process that takes people from watching and thinking, to feeling and doing.

Active participation at a personal level with a brand is key to establishing value and a lasting bond. So we need to get personal, get real, and start an authentic dialogue.

Social Net Worth Over Social Networks

Clients Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Engagement isn’t just about clicking on ads and responding to sales promotions.

Instead, we need to move away from social networking and focus on being social net worth kings – championing genuine, real connections and relationships with customers over just sticking something before them and asking them to care.

Reclaiming the people from the numbers, figures and follower counts. Because the human element that is missing from social media is experience. Real-life interaction and participation is comparable to none – and is the greatest marketing tool you could ever want or need.

That’s precisely what makes events so important. Events create the emotional energy behind the sale, the human experience element.

And no-one at all, including those in procurement, really choose a logical sales choice. They make emotional ones – buying ideas. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it, and the only way to truly engage people with that why, is to offer them a direct, human experience of your brand in real life.

Events: Power to the People

Clients Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It.

Of course, there are still those who might think that the live experience is the soft option. But to do so is to miss the bigger picture. It’s only when we visit a live event that we start to understand what a brand feels like, and how it behaves.

Every touchpoint or element has been designed to represent the brand, allowing for rich, immersive and powerful engagement from start to finish. And it all begins with an understanding of the consumer’s world. Rather than telling audiences that we’re interested in the same things they are, we’re proving it – like I said, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

Events build emotional energy which is the most important facet of human connection, which therefore creates engagement and ultimately generates sales and ensures growth.

Online, no real thought or effort has to go into communicating any more, and it’s the same with the way brands operate online. With an increase in the ease of communication, there’s a decrease in what it actually means – making the individual feel important.

In Conclusion

Humans are emotional beings and so the key to growth is generating an ethos and culture that is emotionally-driven that it allows consumers to become invested in why we do what we do. And that’s something that cannot be imitated, achieved only from real face-to-face human interaction.

And what better way to connect with people than a bit of a party, right? That’s why events will always be integral to the success of businesses, brands, and retaining the loyalty of those who believe in them.

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