Tag: fedra

TUM18 in Numbers

TUM18 in Numbers

#TUM18 in Numbers:

350 delegates from all over the world

50 Faculty members

21 Invited surgeons for the Live Surgery

22 surgical procedures 4 Operating Rooms

3 Da Vinci®️ Systems

30 Staff members

Thank You and See You at #TUM19 ❤️

Courtesy Cars: Erre Esse S.p.A. – Centri Porsche Coffee Break: LAVAZZA Platinum Sponsors: MultiMed  ab medica  KARL STORZ  Organizing Secretariat: FEDRA CONGRESSI

Event Planner or Event manager?

Event Planner or Event manager?

The event planning industry is host to numerous job titles and job descriptions. Event planner. Meeting Planner. Event Coordinator. Convention Planner. Event manager. The list seems endless. As the industry grows, so does the list of job functions. While job growth is always a good thing, the range of event planning job functions and event management job titles can be confusing to those starting out in the industry.

It is equally frustrating for seasoned professionals faced with clients who misunderstand the services offered.

“Event management” and “event planning” are frequently tossed around interchangeably even though they are two very different things. Quite simply, planning and managing are not the same. While the skill sets of these two functions do overlap, they are two distinct functions. It creates problems for those dealing with clients who mistakenly think they need an event manager when what they need is an event planner. And for those clients who are under the impression that all event managers also handle event planning. So let’s clear up the confusion because it is important that you and your clients have the same understanding.

Event Planning

Let’s start with event planning. The key operative word here is planning. All events – from bridal showers to milestone birthday celebrations to big corporate gatherings – begin with a plan of some sort.

The initial discussions with clients regarding event ideas, themes, desirable dates and budget guidelines are all part of the event planning process.

Event planning starts at the beginning, from the very early stages of concept and continues all the way until the actual event takes place. And, honestly, for a few weeks after the event as event planners wrap up details and handle follow-up items.

Event planning involves working closely with the client to design an event that reflects the client’s vision of the gathering and meets the event’s objective. Clients who hire an event planner hire someone to plan all aspects of the event, including the related details and action items, and to see that event through until its completion.

Event planning responsibilities can include but are not limited to:

  • selecting an overall theme for the event
  • developing a budget
  • selecting a venue
  • negotiating hotel contracts
  • hiring outside vendors
  • planning the menu
  • hiring a caterer
  • arranging for guest speakers or entertainment
  • coordinating transportation
  • choosing the color scheme
  • developing invitations

Event planning is everything that goes into putting together an event. This function falls under the larger umbrella of event management.

Event Management

Every type of event is made up of numerous parts that fit together like pieces of a puzzle. All of those pieces ultimately come together to create an event. Successful events have all of those related pieces coming together at the right time and the right place, smoothly and efficiently and according to plan. This process is called event management. It is, in simple terms, project management of the event itself.

Event management involves creating, coordinating and managing all the different components of an event as well as the teams of people responsible for each aspect. Some aspects of event management may include but are not limited to:

  • reserving a location for an event
  • coordinating outside vendors
  • developing a parking plan
  • designing emergency contingency plans
  • ensuring compliance with health and safety standards
  • managing staff responsible for each function
  • overseeing execution of an event
  • monitoring of the event
  • resolving event situations on site

Event Managers and Event Planners Work Together

Defining these two functions is challenging because, not only are they closely related, the responsibilities often overlap. Individual event planners may offer event management services, and event managers may also offer event planning.

It all depends on the individual planner or corporate event management team, the venue, and the event itself.

It is important to understand the differences between the two and to determine which services you will provide. For example; If you offer event planning services for a large-scale event, you will work with an event manager who will coordinate your services with those of the catering manager, the audiovisual team, etc. Define your role and the services you will provide and clearly communicate these to prospective clients to avoid any confusion during the planning process.

WORKSHOP ON UROPATHOLOGY MEET THE EXPERT,  25th January 2018 Aula Convegni S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital Orbassano, Turin, Italy

WORKSHOP ON UROPATHOLOGY MEET THE EXPERT, 25th January 2018 Aula Convegni S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital Orbassano, Turin, Italy

 Molte novità hanno profondamente modificato negli ultimi 2 anni il ruolo della anatomia patologica e dell’anatomopatologo in ambito di uropatologia. Una corretta definizione istopatologica e in alcuni casi molecolare è essenziale per consentire al clinico una corretta impostazione terapeutica e ciò è particolarmente importante nella situazione attuale in cui si rendono disponibili nuove tecnologie e nuovi farmaci.
Il patologo è determinante in questo processo purché acquisisca e mantenga un puntuale aggiornamento in grado di consentirgli di formulare diagnosi e categorizzazioni con la precisione richiesta dalla clinica
Il corso si propone si fornire anche con esercitazioni pratiche (slide seminar) gli ultimi aggiornamenti riguardante la patologia dei tumori della prostata, della vescica e del testicolo.
Figure accreditate: medico specialista in anatomia-patologica
















Fedra Meetings & Events: about us

Fedra Meetings & Events: about us

Twenty years of knowledge, experience and market expertise have led Fedra Congressi to the forefront of global conference management and to becoming one of the Italian’s leading Professional Conference Organizers (PCOs). For the past two decades, Fedra has established and maintained its winning reputation as a global meeting and association management provider.


Laparoscopia in Ginecologia Oncologica – Roma, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena, 12-14 Novembre 2017

Laparoscopia in Ginecologia Oncologica – Roma, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena, 12-14 Novembre 2017

Embriologia come storia di evoluzione di una specie. Embriologia come interpretazione
dinamica della Anatomia Umana. Embriologia come razionale della Anatomia
Chirurgica. Embriologia come esemplificazione della tecnica chirurgica. Embriologia
come interpretazione delle vie di diffusione neoplastica.
Di tutto ciò si discuterà nell’ambito del Workshop per capire quanto questi concetti
siano solo delle idee astratte o quanto rappresentino un nuovo modo di affrontare
vecchi problemi. Il tutto con un confronto continuo tra Embriologia, Anatomia Chirurgia
e Chirurgia grazie ad una live surgery continua che si svolgerà in contemporanea con
l’attività teorica.
Il corso sarà infatti strutturato in:
Hot Topic Lectures. Le letture magistrali affronteranno le problematiche emergenti
della chirurgia mininvasiva in ginecologia oncologica ed introdurranno le sessioni di
live surgery. Verrà dimostrato come l’anatomia chirurgica segua piani embriologici ben
definiti, la cui conoscenza permette una migliore applicazione delle tecniche chirurgiche.
Live Surgery.Verranno effettuati interventi in diretta utilizzando le tecniche più
avanzate di chirurgia mininvasiva nella stadiazione chirurgica dei principali tumori
Crossfire Debate alla moviola. Gli interventi saranno successivamente
riesaminati alla moviola e commentati da un panel di esperti.
Materiale didattico. Chiunque ne farà richiesta riceverà i filmati
degli interventi su supporto DVD.