Tag: Event

How location influences the success of your event

How location influences the success of your event

The first dilemma that presents itself to potential event organizer is the choice of location. While choosing the right place doesn’t ensure the event success, it is also true that the best organization in the world will fail to ensure a good result if the location is hopelessly wrong.

The right place at the right time



First of all, you must first know your audience.
We turn to the shareholders of a company or university students in the city? It is reasonable to think that our audience will move by car or we have to take into account the links between our location and the main public transport? If we choose a beautiful location in the middle of nowhere, we would then be included in a budget bus / shuttle service to allow participants to get to the venue? And if the location did not include its own catering service, as we will organize supplies for refreshments?

We have not even confirmed the first choice, but already we envisage a number of options that are likely to have a profound impact on our budget.

In principle, any location whether it locates outside the city centers involves an increase in costs and is probably best suited for a high-profile event and with a large budget.
By contrast, a converted industrial building just steps from the subway station will be much more suitable for an exhibition of young independent artists than a sixteenth century villa lost in the hills.

Size matters


The second element to consider is the size. If you schedule an event with entrance fee is the key word: “pessimism.”
You have to apply a simple arithmetic: the division by two. If we plan to charge an entrance fee for our event, probably our budget must be balanced against a profit forecast. That prediction gain must always be divided in half. We expect to attract an audience of 1000 people? We calculate the costs in order to cover with 500 entries and then choose a place that has the potential to accommodate 1000 people, but it may seem full even with half.

Magic? No, decor. Many rooms offer the possibility of different settings, with the addition or removal of panels, movable walls, tables, seating and room dividers.

A good strategy, if we are not sure to be able to correctly predict the influx, has set up the local minimum of its capacity and then delete items (such as sofas and tables) in case you need a larger space.

Cool vs Uncool



What it brings with it the end of an event is, first of all, the atmosphere. The memory of the feelings will remain for a long time, more than menu and even the theme of the evening. Location is a valuable ally in the creation of the atmosphere, but to exploit the full potential must have a thorough knowledge of the area.

The beauty and practicality of the structure are important, but the way in which the structure is perceived is even more.

In selecting the location for your event, it is essential to apply these same knowledge or rely on someone who can give it. That our keywords are “luxury, glamour and elegance” or “avant- garde, minimalism and counterculture”, it is essential that the site that will host our event is in keeping with the spirit of the initiative.

If we got this far, it means that we have successfully avoided the pitfalls of the first choice and on the right track.

Now we just have to organize our event.

Corporate events: the importance of networking

Corporate events: the importance of networking

During corporate events networking, contact with the people who are attending the event is essential: events give the opportunity to establish a connection with different types of people that could affect your career.

There are some basic rules that might help you make a good impression on the guests.

The importance of posture and breathing


The body language, for example, immediately reveal your personality: if possible, try to eliminate all these negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with positive beliefs about how you are brilliant, funny and able to entertain the person in front of you.

Give much importance to two elements:

  1. Take a deep breath and imagine that positive energy penetrates into your body, exhale by making sure that the negative energy totally abandon yourself. This technique will help you relax and give the best of you.
  2. Before crossing the threshold of the event make sure to adopt the right posture: remember that the first impression that you will do will accompany you for the rest of the day so, before entering, make a deep breath, hold hands and shoulders relaxed and the head straight.

The active listener


Spend time to listen to what the person in front has to say, try not to play the role of passive listener but try to interact by asking questions related to the context, the event or the work they do your correspondent.

Look into my eyes

During the call you establish a connection with the person in front of you looking into her eyes, so you’ll be there and you will show more attentive and interested in what you are talking about.

Add new content to the conversation

Prove to your speaker you have much in common in your experience, this will help keep the conversation active and will allow you to add content, exchange ideas and considerations. Do not forget to ask questions: this is a little trick that facilitates the exchange of views and maintains a high level of attention.

Rely on your smartphone


 Today smartphones facilitate contact with others: instead of giving your business cards, ask friendship in different social networks in order to simplify the communication.

Understand when the conversation is over

The purpose is to get in touch with as many people as possible, people who could be useful especially at a working level. For this reason if you find that the conversation with one of your contacts is finished do not go well, say politely goodbye and start a new dialogue with other people who are there for your same reason: networking.

Once you follow these simple rules it is vital to stay in touch with people we meet on that occasion, so you are able to build a relationship that can turn into something important for your career.