Tag: event planning

The Perfect Agenda

The Perfect Agenda

Agendas can greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of any decision process.

One good agenda can cut the number of meetings needed to complete a project in half and greatly reduce the tendency for meetings to branch off into discussions that are not useful to goal achievement.


The goal of an agenda is to facilitate the decision-making process among group members.

This may be for a technology upgrade or a budget discussion.

The agenda helps to keep meeting attendees focused on the final decision.

Agendas also make it easier to evaluate the success of the meeting by providing a checklist for follow-up and accountability.

The Role of an Agenda


The first line of the agenda should state the goal and purpose of the meeting.

Some agenda formats prefer to state the goal along with sub-goals after each agenda item. Both formats establish a framework for discussion. Agendas can vary from simple to complex.

They can include attachments and reading material or the agenda from the previous meeting.

The type of format used is generally established by the formality and length of the meeting.

A good rule of thumb is that the format should match the dress of the meeting participants; that is, a meeting full of sandals and shorts can get by with an informal agenda while a room full of suits may require a formal agenda.



The short or informal meeting can be subsumed into an email or a meeting reminder.

It might contain one line for the goal of the meeting and then three to five short discussion points.

The long agenda is usually a full page, which includes a title, meeting location, date and time, goals and topics or points of discussion. Long meetings should also include times for each discussion topic and the name of the presenter.

Both agenda formats should end with a section for “Next Steps” for follow-up. These “Next Steps” will become the basis for agenda topics at the next meeting.

Check the infographic below for some agenda format examples:

Schermata 2016-05-31 alle 11.05.02

Event reminders: how many is too many?

Event reminders: how many is too many?

Our audience is being bombarded by email marketing and email reminders. So how much is too much? And what email campaigns really capture attention? Here are a few tips.

Engaging content

It’s no secret that the key to our audience’s heart is content that engages.

Think about the value that your email marketing brings to them. Not only are you pushing an event, but what can you give to them in addition?

Perhaps a recap of helpful articles from your website that they may have missed, a summary of trends that will be interesting to them, or other ways of providing value so that your audience clicks and engages.

Engaging subject line

You can have great content, but if no one opened your email, you only get so far.

The art of subject lines is more complicated than ever, but definitely an art worth learning.

You can try personalizing the subject line so that your attendees first name is in that prominent location.


It’s very important to email people who register for your event frequently. The key is segmenting and specializing.

Don’t send the same confirmation email over and over to the same attendee.

Take them through a pipeline – ask them to download your app, highlight some of your speakers, introduce them to other people will be attending. And, segment your list so that the content they receive is customized for them.

Perhaps you have one email confirmation going to speakers, a different one for sponsors, one for longtime supporters, another for people who are coming to your event for the first time.

This, of course, is a lot more work on the writing side, but it allows your emails to be much more personalized and will help your attendees find the value in repeat communications.

DOs and DON’Ts for Corporate Events

DOs and DON’Ts for Corporate Events

You and your employees work hard to make your business successful, and it’s important to recognize that effort every once in a while.

For your next office party, try something a little different: a unique event venue like ours will make your corporate party fun, memorable and something everyone will actually want to attend!

Check out our infographic for corporate event planning tips, including info on who you should and shouldn’t invite to your event:

new-infographic (4)

Event Planning Budgets

Event Planning Budgets

Every event planner uses this budget to stay organized and prepared for any client inquiry, and an event budget will help you from overspending.

First of all, list four categories along the top:


Projected Expense

Actual Expense


Then categorize and track the expense items following this infographic:
