Tag: event planning

How LinkedIn Helps You Event Plan

How LinkedIn Helps You Event Plan

While there certainly are ways to use LinkedIn for events, it has a less viral nature than Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. And it takes a much more intentional focus to make it work for you. That being said, LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool and I think you will see there is a lot that can be done – when you know how to work it.



Ever wanted to contact a really great speaker and you just couldn’t find the contact information? LinkedIn is the perfect solution to that.

You can look it up, see if you have any connections or groups in common and reach out directly. It’s perfectly acceptable to send a connection request with a detailed message about the fact that you would like to hire them as a speaker.

And, best of all, since LinkedIn is used more sparingly than email, you will often get a response faster than if you were to directly email them.

Of course, it’s a huge benefit if you can name a person you both know or a group you are both a part of. It really helps make a great connection and gets you in the door much earlier.



When you are publicizing an event, LinkedIn groups are a great way to do it.

Just reach out directly to the group moderators and let them know about the event. Ask their permission to share and perhaps even give their audience a discount.

This is a great way to make a relationship with the group owner and share the word without spamming people.

Direct Connections


Finally, there’s nothing like a personal invitation to an event.

Make a list of all the people who would directly benefit from the event and then I reach out one-by-one to personally invite them to attend. I customize each letter so they know it isn’t a mass mail.

It is time-consuming, but none of the good stuff in life comes for free.

How To Accelerate Sustainability In Events

How To Accelerate Sustainability In Events

Sustainability needs to be embedded into business models: it is a catalyst for innovation and a driver for profit. It is an opportunity for businesses, society and the planet.

With live events increasingly becoming part of many brands content marketing strategies, it makes sense that brand professionals need to be considering the implementation of sustainability into their events.


Sustainability & Responsibility


Too often people think that implementing sustainability into events includes that it is too complicated or too expensive.

People assume the government is taking care of it, event professionals assume the hotel is taking care of it, marketers assume that the event organisers are taking care of it.

As event professionals we have the ability to change behaviour in a multi dynamic way.

We can demand sustainability from our suppliers. If suppliers do not have a sustainable offer then we can encourage them to adopt one. We can change the behaviour of delegates by implementing small changes to the delivery of our events to ensure we leave less of a carbon footprint – changes that actually enhance the attendee experience. We can also educate delegates by explaining why we are making these changes.

By making attendees consciously aware of the changes we make, we are able to improve our own business image, reduce our impact on the environment and change delegate behaviour to reduce their impact on the environment. We are able to support social projects and local businesses.


In Conclusion

The world won’t save itself and individual torch bearers can’t do it alone. This is is going to take collaboration between all sectors to create an industry wide shift.

Free vs Paid Events

Free vs Paid Events

Free vs. paid events is an ongoing debate in our industry.

For example, TED and the Web Summit are very expensive events and content is available online for free, often live streamed, both by event organisers and attendees. The audience is still ready to pay the price tag to be there and mingle with other participants.

Free for #eventsprofs


Events for the event industry are usually free, for example IMEX, IBTM and The Meetings Show. Not only they are free – but they even cover travel expenses and accommodation for qualified planners by offering the Hosted Buyer model.


Over the past few years, free events launched in London and are growing in popularity, such as the Event Huddle, Citizen Event, Event Tech Live, Event Tech Talks and others!

What are the business objectives of free events?


From an association perspective – to offer continual personal development and increase

  • member engagement
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Exposure & PR
  • Educate about product or service
  • Collect data
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Test the product

What are the challenges when organising free events?


  • Securing sponsors
  • High drop out rats as people don’t associate value to the event
  • Getting qualified leads
  • Difficult to plan for no-shows
  • Getting the right audience
  • Trying to show delegates that the event has value whilst not asking for actual money
  • Security
  • Extra room hire and catering costs
  • Food waste

How to determine event ticket price?

  • Know what the industry average price tag is
  • Base it on audience and location
  • Research
  • Build all facility charges into the ticket cost and calculate all fees billed per ticket sold
  • Consider event duration
  • Local economic conditions may be also factor to determine ticket price

How many price categories are recommended?


  • One to three categories
  • Don’t overwhelm or confuse attendees with too many categories
  • Not so many as to confuse attendees but enough to allow flexibility of option
  • Freemium model – offering the event for free with some paid for seminars

How can you increase ticket sales?

  • Create FOMO
  • Have event ambassadors
  • Engage in face to face networking
  • Provide quality content and speakers
  • Create discounts
  • Do targeted marketing through segmentation of data

As the industry evolves, this will stay a challenge, but when we better understand our delegates, the industry and its dynamics, maybe we can offer a model that works.