Tag: drink

Sustainable Catering is possible [Infographic]

Sustainable Catering is possible [Infographic]

Sharing a meal can play an important community-building function, attract people to hear your message or support your organization, or simply provide sustenance to busy students as they attend yet another meeting rather than attending to their dietary needs.


Food and dinnerware do, however, constitute the most significant source of waste and environmental impact at most campus events. For this reason, it is important to take some simple steps to make food and food service more sustainable.


Here is an infographic that will show you how to plan a sustainable and successful event:


How Much Food Do You Need For You Event? Part 2

How Much Food Do You Need For You Event? Part 2

Last week we talked about how food and beverage often takes up the largest portion of your event budget and how it’s important to ask yourself few questions before deciding everything.

Now that you have a precise idea of your event catering and guests needs, here’s an infographic that will help you to measure how much food you need for yHOW MUCH FOOD DO YOU NEED FOR YOUR EVENT-our event: