Tag: conference

What make a conference awesome – Part 1 [infographic]

What make a conference awesome – Part 1 [infographic]

People say they attend conferences for the networking opportunities, but once they arrive, they fail to instigate the types of conversations and interactions that lead to long-term and mutually-beneficial relationships.

We chose 10 things you can do to make sure your conference is interesting for everyone. When people experience the human factor in a way that benefits them, they are far more likely to return next year, and they will bring their friends.

Here the first part:

What make a conference awesome – Part 1 [infographic]

SIMPAR 2016 – Rome, Villa Piccolomini, April 7th – 8th – 9th, 2016

SIMPAR 2016 – Rome, Villa Piccolomini, April 7th – 8th – 9th, 2016

In this VIII edition of SIMPAR meeting we are continuing to pursue the idea of merging together basic and cinical science in order to suggest new clinical insights that could help patients with chronic pain.

Some of the best scientists in the world will join this meeting that is a place where to discuss how we can
implement our clinical practice and in the same time which are the unmet needs that we are waiting for from the basic science.
Hence from bench to bedside continues to be the mainstay of SIMPAR that is growing even more and more in the year reaching the 600 attendants from 40 different countries of the world last year.
SIMPAR is proud to be one of the most important place where You can find all different clinicians and scientist that are really involved in pain practice and pain science.
All together to win acute and chronic pain improving patients outcome.
A place in order to know where we are and where we must go with our daily clinical and research practice.
The only place where You can really discuss with the people and find new solution.

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