Challenges In Laparoscopy, Robotics & AI, Rome, Auditorium della Tecnica, June 5-6-7, 2024

 Dear Friends & Colleagues, 

We are delighted to invite you to Rome for the very special 20th Annual “Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics (CILR)”, the world’s pre-eminent live surgery meeting in urology. This 20-year milestone is a testament to our original concept – highest quality live surgery plus cutting-edge discussions – always the hallmark of CILR.
CILR has grown with the times. In 2004, we started with “Challenges in Laparoscopy (CIL)”. Ten years later, in 2014, given the robotic advancements, we expanded to “Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics (CILR)”. Today, twenty years later, in 2024, with artificial intelligence (AI) growing dramatically all around us, we expand again to “Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics-AI (CILRAI)”. In these 20 years, 500+ live lap/robotic advanced surgeries have been demonstrated to 9,000+ urologists from all across the world.  

CILRAI 2024 comprises a rich & comprehensive scientific program. Two giant screens will simultaneously telecast 30+ LIVE advanced robotic/lap surgeries over 3 days, performed by the world’s very best surgeons. A third giant screen will simultaneously showcase 25 SEMI-LIVE complex & uncommon surgeries, presented by the actual surgeons. Using headphones, each delegate can effortlessly switch between the 3 screens in real-time, each with its own designated moderators, allowing live Q&A. Pro-con “Fireworks” debates will feature the world’s best urology thought leaders. Finally, CILRAI 2024 introduces cutting-edge AI innovations with application in your personal daily practice.
Advanced, challenging Live surgeries are the beating-heart of CILRAI, such as Robotic kidney transplantation/auto-transplantation; Bladder transplantation; Complex partial nephrectomies; Level 3 IVC tumor thrombectomy; Inferior vena-cavectomy; prosthetic graft replacement of IVC; Radical nephrectomy with enbloc distal pancreatectomy/splenectomy; Post-chemo RPLND; Radical/salvage prostatectomy; Buccal mucosa ureteroplasty; Urethral pull-through with V-Y plasty for recurrent bladder neck contracture; Single-port robotics; and Flexible robotics. The goal of CILRAI is to strongly advance your personal robotic/lap skills & horizons. 
This 20th running of CILRAI will be our very best yet! Consider bringing your family with you to Roma, the eternal city, where it all started 20 years ago! We are expecting our largest-ever attendance – over 1,000 urologists from over 30 countries..
CILRAI 2024 will indeed be magical – the “Super Bowl of Surgery” – the world’s best live surgery meeting in the field of urology! The future is here! 
Come join us…!

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