Categoria: Events

Surgery in the 3rd Millennium: the Future is Female – Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 4th & 5th, 2019

Surgery in the 3rd Millennium: the Future is Female – Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 4th & 5th, 2019

Dear Friends,
After the first successful edition, we are happy to announce that the Meeting “Surgery in the Third
Millennium: the Future is female” will be held in Milan on April 4th and 5th 2019. Urology was dominated by male physicians until the last few years, now things seem to have changed, female surgeons are approaching more and more to this field with excellent results.

Still it is not enough and there is a lot to do. That is the reason why this event aims to give the space
female         surgeons deserve.Two days of laparoscopic, robotic and endourological live surgeries performed by Italian and foreign female surgeons only.

Women have increased in numbers among urological departments in hospitals, universities and urological associations and will probably be on equal terms with men in the next few years.

I am sure that since today’s surgery means taking care and being passionate, you do not need physical
strength but accuracy and skills. Precision wins on speed and women naturally do have these qualities.

Our department trains mini invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgeons and has excellent female surgeons who already prove themselves nationally and internationally. Italian and foreign female surgeons will perform together and the event is open to all who want to improve their techniques or enhance their abilities on urological surgery.

See you in Milan!

Franco Gaboardi





7th Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM) – Orbassano, San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, January 23rd-25th, 2019

7th Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM) – Orbassano, San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, January 23rd-25th, 2019

Augmented reality and beyond
Over the last decade we have witnessed the evolution of laparoscopic
techniques with the implementation of robot-assisted surgery and other novel
technologies and instruments. Imaging has evolved together with the surgical
technologies and CT / RM – based 3D reconstructions have become one of the
key point for precision surgery.
With the present seventh edition the TUM aims to highlight how the road from
“cognitive” procedures to augmented reality is leading us toward a next level
of surgery.
The scientific program of this 3-days event will include an exciting combination
of live surgery sessions, lectures and thought-provoking debates featuring the
world’s experts in the field.
Key topics will be discussed with a focus on recent groundbreaking updates in
urologic oncology during the first day, live surgery sessions featuring advanced
procedure in laparoscopic, robot-assisted and image-guided surgery.

The pure laparoscopic cases will be performed with the 4K IMAGE1 S from KARL
STORZ and broadcast to the auditorium by a full 4K transmission.
Each delegate will be given the opportunity to experience the amazing 4K
quality of view, without missing any anatomical details and make the most of
the live surgery session.
For this reason, we are confident that this edition of the TUM will be, once again,
a unique opportunity of “tasting” the latest advancements and innovations in
urologic surgery. We would like to welcome those who have decided to come
back after joining us during the previous editions, and those who are new to
the TUM.
We look forward to seeing you in Turin!
Kindest regards.















RomAnestesia 2018 – Roma, The Church Palace, 3 – 4 Dicembre 2018

RomAnestesia 2018 – Roma, The Church Palace, 3 – 4 Dicembre 2018

 Romanestesia 15° anno.
È una grande soddisfazione essere arrivati a tale traguardo.
Romanestesia è il congresso di tutti. È l’evento della anestesia romana, che pur partendo da basi cardioanestesiologiche, ha saputo
guardare alle problematiche generali dei pazienti critici. Nel corso degli anni, si sono succeduti specialisti di varie branche e hanno
accettato di discutere con noi anestesisti non solo dei loro, ma anche dei nostri problemi nello stratificare e riconoscere i pazienti ad
alto rischio. Siamo orgogliosi di avere avuto migliaia di partecipanti in questi 15 anni che, nonostante sia passato così tanto tempo,
continuano a frequentare Romanestesia perché trovano ancora stimoli per dibattere con gli esperti.
Quest’anno ci aspettiamo un contributo eccezionale da parte di tutti i colleghi amici nella riuscita dell’evento che segna un punto di arrivo,
senz’altro, ma sposta l’asticella verso i 20 anni di Romanestesia, sperando anche quest’anno di essere all’altezza delle aspettative.
Noi ci crediamo, ci abbiamo sempre creduto, ed ora vi aspettiamo numerosi e partecipativi, come sempre.



Around the kidney, Milan – Niguarda Hospital, November 28-29, 2018

Around the kidney, Milan – Niguarda Hospital, November 28-29, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The treatments for Kidney and Upper urinary tract cancer are quickly evolving.
Research and technology dramatically changed the approach to those diseases.
Partial nephrectomy has become the standard treatment for the majority of
kidney masses, irrespectively of tumor size, but still kidney and urothelial
cancer might need challenging surgery, with radical nephrectomy removing
the whole ureter or tumor thrombus in the renal vein or in vena cava.
Minimally invasive surgery has allowed to reduce complications maintaining
the possibility to spare the kidney whenever technically possible and
oncologically safe; it is still debated if laparoscopy and robotic surgery offer
similar results. Moreover, virtual reality, 3D printing and hologram systems
gave further insights in the anatomical structure of the kidney improving
surgical outcomes.
During the course, some of the most expert national and international surgeons
in the world will show in live and semi-live surgery the advantages and
disadvantages of their approaches, showing specific tips and tricks. Finally,
the medical treatments for the advanced situations are shifting their
paradigms with new molecules and drugs. Expert panels of urologists and
oncologists will make the point of the current knowledge on these topics.
In the third year of the urological courses organized in the historical and
innovative Niguarda Hospital, coming after the successful Around the prostate
and Around the bladder, Around the kidney will give you a 360° vision of the
most innovative treatments for kidney and upper tract urothelial cancer.
Save the date and come to Milan!