Categoria: Events

5th TECHNO-UROLOGY MEETING – Orbassano(TO), January 25th-27th, 2017

5th TECHNO-UROLOGY MEETING – Orbassano(TO), January 25th-27th, 2017

Modern surgical practice has been evolved by the introduction of innovative technologies during the last decades. With the technological renovation minimally invasive urologic surgery was born and nowadays this is a reality, especially in tertiary care centres.
Such an evolution started with conventional laparoscopy that represented the paradigm shift in urologic surgery over the last twenty years.
More recently, the introduction of robotics and other novel technologies has driven another revolution, moving us into the next level of evolution of minimally invasive surgery: the “technological surgery”.
The question is if the technological evolution will last forever or not.
In parallel with the technological revolution, novel research fields are being walked through, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the disease to cure, and give the possibility to the surgeon to tailor the best therapy that fits the patient.
Techno-Urology Meeting is evolved together with the novel technologies along the past years. More and more surgeons, speakers and attendants have been involved from all over the world.
With the present fifth edition of the Meeting we would like to underline the importance of tailoring the therapy on the basis of the disease.
The scientific program will include a stimulating combination of live surgery sessions, lectures and thought-provoking debates featuring the world’s experts in the field. Key topics will be covered during this 3-days event, with a focus on recent updates in the field of prostate cancer in the first day, while going on with rich live surgery sessions about laparoscopic and robotassisted surgery, image-guided surgery, Mini-laparoscopy and its evolutions.
We are confident that the fifth edition of the meeting will be original once more and will give the attendees the opportunity of experience the current status of available innovative techniques and technologies applied to medical and surgical urologists.
This is why we are confident that the novel edition of the meeting we have organized will be important either for urologists who participate to the first editions and new comers.
We look forward to seeing you in Turin!
Kindest regards,

Francesco Porpiglia

Evangelos Liatsikos

Peter Wiklund


World Medicine Park 2017 – Cascais, May 11th-14th, 2017

World Medicine Park 2017 – Cascais, May 11th-14th, 2017

The new destination 2017

A charming Portuguese fishing town situated on the western edge of the Lisbon coastline. The town combines a fascinating history, wonderful beaches considered the finest surfing beaches of Europe!






World Medicine Park

Is the hub for learning,training and networking. You can be involved in multiple educational experiences, meet and hear from some of the great minds in health Community, share the work they have been doing and learn from leadedge initiatives taking place in healthcare organizations across the world.

The Venue

The Citadel and Fortress of Nossa Senhora da Luz used between the 15th and 17th centuries for defending the Portuguese coast from the pirates. A fascinating location location where all the session and meeting rooms are within walking distance.

pain management cascais








Topics 2017

Anesthesia & Intensive Care – Pain management –
Orthopaedics and Traumatology – Respiratory Medicine – Pediatrics –
New medical technologies – Health Care Management

Sesimbra paradise beach
Sesimbra paradise beach



Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2017 – Bordeaux, June 8th-9th-10th – Palais des Congrès

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2017 – Bordeaux, June 8th-9th-10th – Palais des Congrès

Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is a great pleasure to welcome you again for the 14th “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” meeting, this time being held in beautiful, enchanting Bordeaux. Now in its 14th consecutive year, the concept that initiated this adventure is not only alive, but vibrant and growing, showing great potential for the future of Urology. The comprehensive scientific program will include live laparoscopic and robotic surgeries performed by the world’s most prominent urologic surgeons. In the past meetings, we have witnessed many challenging procedures. It is now time to expand our indications and to look forward to new challenges like robotic autotransplantation, augmented reality guided surgery, robotic inguinal lymphadenectomy for penile cancer, laparoscopic and robotic prostatic adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic lymphadenectomy for testis and/or prostate cancer, retroperitoneal robotic partial nephrectomy, single port nephrectomy, complex laparoscopic advanced radical nephrectomy and fistulas and strictures. The technological advances like the automated instruments of Dexteritè will be implemented. The third day we will have six challenging radical prostatectomies including the Retzius sparing RARP and the extrafascial radical prostatectomy for high risk cases and after irradiation. As always, we will invite the best international speakers touching various topics to give you an up-to-date on the hottest topics in Urology. We are enthusiastically anticipating an extremely stimulating meeting. Live surgery, State-of-the-art lectures, discussions and thought-provoking debates will take place with the participation of the best urologists in the International arena. Three monitors will transmit three different live-moderated surgeries simultaneously. Each delegate will be provided with headphones with the possibility to connect with his/her preferred moderation. We are very proud to host this 14th International Meeting in Bordeaux ten years after our first visit there. Bordeaux, the European cradle of urological laparoscopy, is the perfect city for old antiquities and innovative techniques to convene. We are confident that the challenging procedures that you will see will strongly enhance your own individual learning irrespective of your current level of expertise (basic or advanced) and lead the way towards defining the future of Urologic Surgery.

See you in Bordeaux!!

Richard Gaston

Inderbir Gill

Vito Pansadoro

Thierry Piéchaud

Gi.A.V.A. – Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale – Chieti, Auditorium del Rettorato, 18 Novembre 2016

Gi.A.V.A. – Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale – Chieti, Auditorium del Rettorato, 18 Novembre 2016

Il progressivo aumento delle malattie dell’apparato respiratorio e il continuo progresso tecnologico pongono la medicina moderna di fronte ad una sfida cruciale. La ventilazione artificiale è tra le tecniche che negli ultimi anni più ha beneficiato di innovazioni che offrono nuove possibilità di approccio diagnostico e terapeutico dell’insufficienza respiratoria. Il percorso formativo del Medico che utilizza la ventilazione artificiale non può quindi prescindere da una integrazione tra l’approfondita conoscenza dei processi eziologici e fisiopatologici alla base delle patologie respiratorie e la capacità di sfruttare appieno le potenzialità che la tecnologia mette oggi a disposizione per una gestione ottimale dell’insufficienza respiratoria. Con questi presupposti, la Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale (GIAVA) si propone come occasione di aggiornamento sulle tematiche più importanti della ventilazione meccanica. Grazie al contributo di relatori qualificati, tutti
riconosciuti esperti a livello nazionale ed internazionale, verranno approfonditi in particolare gli argomenti che recentemente sono stati più dibattuti o hanno ricevuto più attenzione da parte della comunità scientifica. La GIAVA vuole inoltre essere un momento di confronto tra i Medici e gli Operatori che in Abruzzo ed in Italia Centrale compiono la loro quotidiana attività professionale per porsi in maniera sempre più efficace ed efficiente al servizio del paziente. La GIAVA è rivolta a tutto il personale sanitario coinvolto nell’utilizzo della ventilazione in ogni contesto, come Anestesisti-Rianimatori, Pneumologi, Sanitari della Medicina e Chirurgia di Accettazione e di Urgenza, Medici del 118 o di altre Specialità che desiderano approfondire questo argomento. Nella certezza che questo evento incontri le aspettative di tutta la Comunità regionale di Medici interessati alla ventilazione meccanica, aspetto di incontrarvi numerosi a Chieti.

Salvatore Maurizio Maggiore

Presidente del Congresso





RomAnestesia 2016 , Roma, Casa dell’Aviatore, 30/11_1-2/12/2016

RomAnestesia 2016 , Roma, Casa dell’Aviatore, 30/11_1-2/12/2016

Il XIII Romanestesia conserva la tipologia degli anni precedenti, cioè di un congresso rivolto agli anestesisti-rianimatori che operano in ambito di medicina critica. L’aspetto comune agli anni precedenti è la presenza di workshop precongressuali interamente gestiti dalla componente infermieristica e dei tecnici della perfusione cardiocircolatoria, figure imprescindibili nel percorso di cura del paziente ad alto rischio. Le figure coinvolte, di spessore nazionale ed internazionale, discuteranno di problematiche vive e dibattute quali la sepsi ed il trattamento extracorporeo delle patologie cardiorespiratorie. Si è mantenuta la discussione sulle problematiche del dolore così importante anche e soprattutto nel paziente critico. Insomma tanti aspetti della anestesia e della terapia intensiva che sicuramente susciteranno interesse nella comunità anestesiologica della nostra regione e anche in ambito nazionale. Il razionale rimane quindi quello della conoscenza e della formazione sulle tecniche di cura più avanzate per affrontare con maggiore efficienza le problematiche del paziente critico.

Romanestesia Programmaonline-registration-icon-536