Categoria: 2021



La Pandemia Covid-19 ha messo in forte crisi il nostro Sistema Sanitario ed ha visto protagonisti attivi gli Anestesisti Rianimatori, sia quelli che hanno trasformato il loro routinario ruolo di anestesisti, convertendosi a rianimatori di supporto, sia quelli che invece hanno svolto, in condizioni di estrema difficoltà, la loro naturale attività clinica anestesiologica.
Lo stress e il disagio di fronte al numero elevato di ore lavorative e di risultati incerti ha forse cambiato per sempre alcuni comportamenti che vanno attentamente valutati.
Il peso di questa fase pandemica si è particolarmente sentito anche nella popolazione giovane, studenti e specializzandi, che ha subito una forzata crescita in carenza a volte di supporti formativi. Gli Anestesisti-Rianimatori hanno però lavorato sodo nella costruzione della Rete delle Terapie Intensive con il supporto costante della Regione e intendono proseguire proficuamente in questa direzione. Continue reading “ROMANESTESIA – XVII INCONTRO ROMANO DI ANESTESIA E CHIRURGIA, ROMA, CASA DELL’AVIATORE 3-4 DICEMBRE 2021”



Il corso fornisce tutte le conoscenze sia tecniche che organizzative per iniziare l’attività di Chirurgia Laparoscopica in Ginecologia ed è rivolto a giovani medici in formazione.
La materia sarà affrontata in maniera molto pratica e comprensibile e quindi facilmente riproducibile ricorrendo a video, simulazioni e prediligendo l’interazione didattica mediante quiz ed epicrisi collettiva. Continue reading “WEBINAR CHIRURGIA GINECOLOGICA PROFILO BEGINNER , 21 SETTEMBRE -24 SETTEMBRE -28 SETTEMBRE -1 OTTOBRE 2021”

Challenges In Laparoscopy & Robotics 2021, Virtual Edition, June 3-4-5 2021

Challenges In Laparoscopy & Robotics 2021, Virtual Edition, June 3-4-5 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 17th edition  of  the European Meeting on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery . “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” has become virtual this year and   the concept that initiated this adventure is quite alive and shows great potential for the future of Urology.

The comprehensive scientific program will include live laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, enriched with new technology, and performed by the world’s most prominent urologic surgeons.

In the past meetings, we have witnessed many challenging procedures. It is now time to expand our indications and to look forward to new challenges like the Retzius sparing radical prostatectomy, the Retroperitoneal Limphnode dissection and  the Cava  Thrombectomy.

A dedicated online platform will be available, to allow people to follow the event virtually. Indeed, the congress has evolved into a hybrid format, with some live surgeries performed on site alongside virtual contents that participants can enjoy from home, during and after the meeting.

We are enthusiastically anticipating an extremely stimulating meeting. Live and Semi Live surgery, discussions and thought-provoking debates will take place with the participation of the best urologists in the International arena. There will be two monitors transmitting different surgical procedures at the same time. All questions will be transmitted to the moderators live during the event.

This year we will have a  new virtual format giving  the surgeons the moderators and the audience at home  the possibility to interact technical and clinical details. Moreover delegates will have the possibility to watch challenging videos on demand during and after the event.

Welcome to the  first Virtual Edition of Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics!

Continue reading “Challenges In Laparoscopy & Robotics 2021, Virtual Edition, June 3-4-5 2021”

ICCP2021 – International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy – Virtual Meeting May 13th-15th , 2021

ICCP2021 – International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy – Virtual Meeting May 13th-15th , 2021

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is an umbrella term for a large number of evidence-based psychological treatments and it is the gold standard in the field of psychotherapy. This Congress aims to: (1) report about CBT state of the art applications in a large variety of clinical and non-clinical contexts; (2) introduce the latest research with powerful clinical implications in this field; (3) increase CBT internal cohesion by moving the various “schools” of this field towards an integrated and multimodal approach; (4) promote CBT as the best platform to integrate psychotherapy in an evidence-based framework; (5) stimulate CBT frontier research as well as infuse CBT with frontier research from related fields.

The International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy has decided that the 10th edition of its Congress is going to take place in Rome (Italy), one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Previous editions of the IACP’s Congress were organized in important academic centres, such as Umea (Sweden, 1986), Oxford (UK, 1989), Toronto (Canada, 1992), Catania (Italy, 2000), Gotenborg (Sweden, 2005), Rome (Italy, 2008), Istanbul (Turkey, 2011), Hong Kong (China, 2014), and Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania (Romania, 2017). Between 1992 and 2005 some of IACP’s Congresses were merged with the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies/WCBCT (Copenhagen, Denmark 1995; Acapulco, Mexico, 1998; Vancouver, Canada, 2001; Kobe, Japan, 2004) and since 2005 it was again organized as an independent world congress of the IACP, coordinated with the WCBCT (where IACP is also one of the organizers).

“Join us to gain a new perspective on the science of CBT and its clinical practice. We also invite you to visit Rome, a place with a unique cultural and historical heritage.”


Antonella Montano  and Gabriele Melli
Congress Presidents



SURGERY IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE – virtual congress , February 26th & 27th, 2021

SURGERY IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE – virtual congress , February 26th & 27th, 2021

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It’s our great pleasure to welcome you for the third edition of Surgery in the 3rd millennium: Future is Female, to be held in
February 26th-27th 2021.
Considering all the exceptional circumstances we are living for the pandemic we believe that our message cannot be postponed for another year and we decide to go virtual. Hoping to reach all of you with a crucial message in a disruptive platform. While this activity could not replace the enrichment of presential meetings
we can promise we will do our best to connect, engage and promote a lived discussion. You won’t be deceived!
The comprehensive scientific program will include live laparoscopic, robotic and endourological surgeries performed by prominent urologic surgeons; as well as lectures on different urological sub-specialties, for your clinical education and learning.
Of all the medical specialties, the number of women in urology is one of the lowest. However now percentage of female students in medical school around the world is increasing and women constitute a majority in the ranks of younger doctors.
Although there is growing evidence that female urologists are being represented in all the fields of the Urology specialty it is true that frequently they are underrepresented on live-surgery meetings non-focused on female or functional urology.
It is crucial that all organizations working in surgery guarantee recognition of women surgeons, to minimize inequality and for preserving the future of the specialty by removing barriers.
In this sense we give voice to well-known and recognized female urologic surgeons, breaking stereotypes and challenging the standards,sharing the podium with compromised male urologist that want to break the barriers of all-fashioned traditions.
We think that this meeting beside being useful and diverse from the scientific point of view, it could represent a great motivation for female students, young residents, and urologists who are frequently engaged by role models.
Goals like these only could be achieved if ALL of us, as urologists, work together.
We are looking forward welcoming you in Barcelona,
Franco and Maria