Categoria: 2018

SURGERY IN THE 3rd MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE- Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 12th-13th, 2018

SURGERY IN THE 3rd MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE- Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 12th-13th, 2018

The future of surgery in the next few years will surely be female for several reasons.
Women have passed medicine tests with high percentages for years and nowadays enroll always more to urological specialties. Women have increased in numbers among urological departments in hospitals, universities and urological associations and will probably be on equal terms with men in the next few years. Unfortunately, up to now, with very limited exceptions, women never had the space they deserve for their capabilities, care and abilities. I have invited several female surgeons to this event (live surgeries will be performed by women only), and I hope this meeting will help to acknowledge their surgical abilities.

This congress clears up the fact that women are not completely allowed to some kind of surgery and urology. The Program of the Meeting will include Live laparoscopic, robotic and endourological surgeries performed exclusively by women.
I am sure that since today’s surgery means taking care and being passionate, you do not need physical strength but accuracy and skills. Precision wins on speed and women naturally do have these qualities.
Our department trains mini invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgeons and has excellent female surgeons who already prove themselves nationally and internationally. Italian and foreign female surgeons will perform together and the event is open to all who want to improve their techniques or enhance their abilities on urological surgery.

We look forward to meeting you all in Milan.

Franco Gaboardi








6TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNO-UROLOGY MEETING (TUM) 2018 – Orbassano, San Lugi Gonzaga Hospital, 24th-26th January, 2018

6TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNO-UROLOGY MEETING (TUM) 2018 – Orbassano, San Lugi Gonzaga Hospital, 24th-26th January, 2018

New technologies for a more precise surgery.
Techno-Urology Meeting has evolved together with the novel technologies along the past years. More and more surgeons, speakers and attendants have been involved from all over the world.
With the present sixth edition of the Meeting we would like to underline how the new technologies have moved us into the precision surgery era.
The scientific program will include a stimulating combination of live surgery sessions, lectures and thought-provoking debates featuring the world’s experts in the field. Key topics will be covered during this 3-days event, with a focus on recent updates in the field of prostate cancer, bladder cancer and kidney cancer in the first day, while going on with rich live surgery sessions about robot-assisted surgery and laparoscopic surgery, aided by the most recent technologies about the image-guidance.
Particularly, for the first time, an innovative technology of hyper-accurated 3D reconstruction with super-imposed imaging will be used during the robotic live surgeries sessions of the meeting.
We are confident that the sixth edition of the meeting will be original once more and will give the attendees the opportunity of experience the current status of the available innovative techniques and technologies applied to medical and surgical urologists.
This is why we are confident that the novel edition of the meeting we have organized will be important either for the urologists who have already participated to the previous editions and the welcome new comers.
We look forward to seeing you in Turin!
Kindest regards,

























WORKSHOP ON UROPATHOLOGY MEET THE EXPERT,  25th January 2018 Aula Convegni S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital Orbassano, Turin, Italy

WORKSHOP ON UROPATHOLOGY MEET THE EXPERT, 25th January 2018 Aula Convegni S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital Orbassano, Turin, Italy

 Molte novità hanno profondamente modificato negli ultimi 2 anni il ruolo della anatomia patologica e dell’anatomopatologo in ambito di uropatologia. Una corretta definizione istopatologica e in alcuni casi molecolare è essenziale per consentire al clinico una corretta impostazione terapeutica e ciò è particolarmente importante nella situazione attuale in cui si rendono disponibili nuove tecnologie e nuovi farmaci.
Il patologo è determinante in questo processo purché acquisisca e mantenga un puntuale aggiornamento in grado di consentirgli di formulare diagnosi e categorizzazioni con la precisione richiesta dalla clinica
Il corso si propone si fornire anche con esercitazioni pratiche (slide seminar) gli ultimi aggiornamenti riguardante la patologia dei tumori della prostata, della vescica e del testicolo.
Figure accreditate: medico specialista in anatomia-patologica