Categoria: Event Planner Blog

Wi-fi while flying? Now it’s possible

Wi-fi while flying? Now it’s possible

Good news, frequent flyers: Wi-Fi in the friendly skies could soon be less of a joke. It might even be good. Really good, potentially up to 20 times faster.

That is if all systems are go for Gogo’s fancy, new in-flight Internet system. The leading airborne Wi-Fi connectivity provider announced this week that the FAA has given it the greenlight to test its 2Ku connectivity tech, which it claims performs at speeds as fast as 70 megabits per second (Mbps). That’s exponentially speedier than Gogo’s most commonly used data signal bandwidth, which tops out at a frustratingly slow 3.1 Mbps, slower than the slowest home broadband signal.

Gogo’s current airborne Wi-Fi is inefficiently delivered via spotty air-to-ground cellular signals. The new, hopefully dramatically improved system uses twin, 4.5-inch tall satellite antennas. Basically, the signals they send and receive from satellites in orbit are more powerful and cleaner and crisper, which Gogo says means “more bandwidth at less cost.” Hmm, at less cost to whom? Probably not to passengers, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Image Credit: Gogo

“This is a significant milestone for Gogo and a seminal event for in-flight Internet,” Gogo chief technology officer Anand Chari said in a statement. “We believe this will be the best performing technology for the global commercial aviation market bar none. Clearing this regulatory hurdle brings us one step closer to enabling our airline partners and their passengers to enjoy the future of in-flight Internet.”

The Chicago-based company’s new system is currently installed on its 737-500 test plane, where in-flight trials will take off shortly. Seven commercial airlines are already signed up “for either a trial or fleet deployment” of the advanced technology, including Brazil’s GOL Airlines and Delta Airlines, reports Avionics Magazine. Gogo expects to officially launch its next-gen system later this year, with rollout likely continuing through 2016.

Better stash your cash, passengers. We’re guessing Gogo’s faster Wi-Fi packages to come will probably be even pricier than its current offerings, which start at $16 for a full day of airborne connectivity. Satisfying the need for speed doesn’t come cheap at 45,000 feet.

How to Turn Business Cards Into Business Relationships

How to Turn Business Cards Into Business Relationships

Business cards that symbolize fabulous connections and conversations can easily transform into annoying reminders of lost opportunities. So how can you turn business cards into cash?

First, the most common mistake is failing to collect cards. Many people give out their cards but fail to collect from others. Politely insist on getting the potential contact’s information so that you can follow up with him or her.

If he or she doesn’t have a business card (which is a rising trend), write down an email address so you can follow up afterward. You want the ball in your court so you have the capability to follow up. Don’t place the responsibility on the other person.

The second common mistake is failing to follow up at all. Intending to follow up won’t put money in your bank account.


To ease your follow-up efforts, have a system in place for the business cards.

There are many apps that take pictures of business cards, translate the text and add the information to your contact system. Snap a pic, recycle the card, and follow up. Quick and simple. I use Evernote for this.

Apps will also geotag the information so you can remember where you met. A simple option is to take a photo of the cards and email it to yourself or your virtual assistant. A low-tech option is to carry the cards until you get back to your office. If that’s your choice, be sure to have a specific place you put the cards. I’ve lost many valuable contacts to the abyss known as my purse.

Next, keep your connection engaged. The phrasing of your first follow up is as important as your first impression. Make sure you stand out and won’t be forgotten.

Avoid phrases such as, “I’m not sure if you remember me but we met at …” Starting that way puts you in a position of weakness.

Also, cut the word “just” from your follow up. Like, “I just wanted to say hi.”

“Justs” make your email (and you) inconsequential and ignorable.


To step up your follow up, be personal and interesting by mentioning something that you discussed at your initial meeting. Shared experiences, inside jokes or answers you found to their questions are great. Something conversational such as, “I love meeting a fellow Star Wars nerd!” keeps your email from seeming boilerplate.

Your top objective in following up is to get a response. There is one follow-up tip that has a 100% response rate. It’s a bit outside the box and takes a little more work, but it’s worth it: a video follow up.


With video follow ups, you don’t have to remind people who you are. They see you, hear your voice and instantly remember you. Plus, you are creating a more human connection because your nonverbal communication shares more than text can. As a bonus, you can tell if and when your contact has watched your video.

Video uploading services, including YouTube, have a number of views counter. I’ve had contacts watch my video messages a few times because they enjoyed them and shared them.

Your video messages don’t need to be highly produced. Just have good lighting and quality sound. I use a single lighting kit or natural sunlight for light. For sound, I use a Snowball microphone or simply my iPhone ear buds mic.

Don’t upload the video directly into your email. The attachment will be too big and get captured by spam filters.


Lastly, expedite the scheduling process for your next meeting with your contact. One of the biggest time sucks in modern life is sending emails back and forth to schedule something. To bypass that annoyance, I recommend having an online calendar tool.


Follow up is about personal connection. With these tips, you’ll be turning business cards into thriving business relationships.

How to Network Effectively at Events

How to Network Effectively at Events

Growing a thriving business requires branching out to find new contacts, including partners to work with and customers to sell to. Networking is key to making this possible. Attending hundreds of events and exchanging countless business cards may lead to a few fortuitous connections, but networking with a plan will result in more meaningful business relationships.

In every encounter there should be a balance between developing rapport and solidifying a business opportunity. Here are a few suggestions to help make networking more enjoyable and effective.

Find the right events


Face-to-face interaction is still key in business, but social media offers avenues to find new events through your friends and local venues.

  • Facebook — Take an informal route by joining a group or Facebook event. This makes it convenient to branch out from the edge of your friend circle.
  • LinkedIn – Groups on LinkedIn are associated with specific industries and often post events. The platform can also offer insight into specific group members’ professional experiences and interests.
  • Meetup – Use Meetup as a resource for finding groups in professional and non-professional contexts. Most of these groups meet regularly and the website allows you to continue discussions after each event.
  • Eventbrite – This provides an easily categorized search and map of local upcoming events. Eventbrite’s networking section can inform you of everything from casual mixers to formal panel discussions.

Arrive prepared


Be as organized and methodical with networking as you would with any other endeavor for your business. The right connections will accelerate your company’s growth and encourage others to seek you out for business opportunities. Create a long-term plan and get a clear picture of people you have done business with in the past and those you would like to work with in the future.

When you have an upcoming event, do some research ahead of time. Look at previous events by the same host or organization to see what they have to offer. Check to see if a guest or sponsors list is available. Then, see if you share common connections with participants and request an introduction. If a particular company will be well represented at the event, think about brushing up on its latest dealings.

Actively understand other’s needs


Once you enter the event, maintain an approachable demeanor. It is likely that everyone is experiencing the same anxiety as you. Being relaxed, or giving the impression that you are, will be contagious to others and make them more comfortable talking to you. Take the initiative to strike up a few conversations or join group discussions instead of waiting for others to come to you.

Simply introduce yourself or try a casual question to start things off: “How are you liking the event?” or “What do you do?” You can practice an introduction, but allow for a natural flow in the discussion.

Aaron Carrano, program manager at Google, identified three types of needs customers have that you can look for while networking. These include latent needs; needs which customers aren’t aware of yet; direct needs, which customers inform you of; and assumed needs, which you can deduce. By listening carefully, you can align what customers need, with what you offer. At this point you may present a more targeted pitch.

Stick around for the aftermath

Schermata 2016-02-23 alle 10.07.30

As the event comes to a close, remember that you do not necessarily need to part ways, especially if things are going well. If there is an after party, gather a few folks and go there together. If there is a lunch session, ask permission to join someone’s table. If there is nothing planned, take action and invite people to continue the conversation over dinner or drinks.

Later that evening, connect with the people you have just met on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. That way, you’ll have multiple channels in which you can communicate and get updates about what they are doing. Then, create a dossier about the contacts you’ve made, including important information about what you can offer one other.


At an event, meeting someone new can be intimidating. By arriving prepared, being an active listener and continuing conversations long after the event ends, you’ll be demonstrating value and becoming someone who is likable and, hopefully, someone others will want to do business with.

10 Ways to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

10 Ways to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

Back in 2011 the U.N. declared Internet access a human right, yet whenever you leave the house or office, it’s hit or miss if you will have access to Wi-Fi.

If you move a lot, you really can’t work without Wi-Fi. You need to learn a few ways over the years how to get access to Wi-Fi wherever you go. Here are 10 ways to get Wi-Fi any time, anywhere in the world.

1. Just ask


One of the easiest ways to snag some free Wi-Fi is just to simply ask someone.

If a business doesn’t have Wi-Fi, or refuses to give you the password, ask a stranger. Yes, that actually works sometimes. Believe it or not, people aren’t always that stingy with their Wi-Fi.

If all else fails, you can do a little planning and ask people online. For example, you can identify the airports that offer free Wi-Fi by visiting this Foursquare page or login into your Facebook account to access free Wi-Fi.

2. Become hot spot savvy


Becoming more hot spot savvy means knowing the places that provide truly free and reliable Wi-Fi. These include bus and train stations, museums and community spaces like libraries, city plazas and parks. We’ve even noticed public areas around hospitals and court houses also have free Wi-Fi.

As you know, your phone will scan for open or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Check that when you’re out and about. You may learn that places like your gym or favorite bookstore offer free Wi-Fi.

3. Know which businesses offer free WiFi


Knowing which businesses which offer free Wi-Fi will save you a lot of time whenever you’re out and about. Best of all? There are a lot of national chains that offer free Wi-Fi. These include:

  • Starbucks
  • McDonald’s
  • Panera Bread
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Target
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Buffalo Wild Wings
  • Apple Store
  • Marriott Hotels
  • Staples and Office Depot
  • Best Buy
  • Whole Foods

You can also download the free Wi-Fi Pro app for either Android or iOS. It includes a database of 200 million Wi-Fi hotspots.

4. Use your cable company


This may not be technically free, but if you’re already paying for a cable or Internet subscription from companies like Xfinity, you’re plan may include access to Wi-Fi hotspots. Just login at your cable/Internet provider account and you’ll be connected to Wi-Fi.

Believe it not, cable companies are teaming up so that you can access Wi-Fi from a competitor! Sometimes you’ll notice this new inclination to help you immediately access an opposing competitor’s Wi-Fi right away.

5. Do a little MAC spoofing


The main drawback with free Wi-Fi is that you’re only allowed to use it for a certain amount of time. You can change that by spoofing the MAC address of your mobile device. This may be used mainly by those who aren’t afraid of getting a little technical.

This process will vary depending on your operating system, but here’s a guide for iOS and another for Android.

6. Join a community


Instabridge is an online community where crowd-sourced Wi-Fi connections and passwords have been compiled into one convenient location. Besides free locations, users also include passwords for secured locations. The free app can be downloaded at Google Play or the App Store.

7. Find hidden networks


Apps including Instabridge and Wefi find networks that are aren’t commonly known. Wefi even has a free app for your phone. However, there are a couple of other common places that have secretive networks. For example, most electronic stores provide Wi-Fi because they need to display products. If you’re at the airport, venture closer to premium lounges.

8. Join loyalty programs


Joining a loyalty program comes with a number of perks, often including free Wi-Fi. Many hotels, including Hilton, Marriott and Kimpton, include free Wi-Fi in their loyalty programs. Because travelers are expecting free Wi-Fi, it’s likely more businesses will reward their frequent customers with free Wi-Fi.

9. Coupons and promotions


If you’re not a frequent traveler, you can still take advantage of free Wi-Fi offers from hotels by visiting sites like RetailMeNot to find businesses like Gogo and Hyundai that are running a promotion or issuing a coupon for free Wi-Fi.

10. Make your phone a hot spot


When all else fails, you can turn your phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot through the common technique called tethering. You use your smartphone’s 3G or 4G as a Wi-Fi signal for your laptop or tablet. Here are instructions for Android and iOS.

You can also download tethering apps including PdaNet+ or FoxFi. Here’s to never going without Wi-Fi ever again in our lives!

How Much Food Do You Need For You Event? Part 2

How Much Food Do You Need For You Event? Part 2

Last week we talked about how food and beverage often takes up the largest portion of your event budget and how it’s important to ask yourself few questions before deciding everything.

Now that you have a precise idea of your event catering and guests needs, here’s an infographic that will help you to measure how much food you need for yHOW MUCH FOOD DO YOU NEED FOR YOUR EVENT-our event: