Autore: Fedra

Fedra Meetings & Events
Pain We Care, la gestione multidisciplinare del dolore oncologico, Roma, IRE, 11 novembre 2023

Pain We Care, la gestione multidisciplinare del dolore oncologico, Roma, IRE, 11 novembre 2023

La complessità del dolore oncologico, radicata nella peculiarità della malattia e delle sue molteplici evoluzioni, implica una gestione articolata, che tenga conto dello sconvolgente impatto del dolore sulla vita del paziente e di tutto il suo contesto sociale. In relazione al trattamento del dolore cronico, la crescita di strategie terapeutiche innovative ha portato alla necessità di modulare negli anni un rigido seppur utile sistema di gestione della cura. Continue reading “Pain We Care, la gestione multidisciplinare del dolore oncologico, Roma, IRE, 11 novembre 2023”
29 Th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology, ESUR2023, Rome Auditorium della Tecnica, 21st -24th September 2023

29 Th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology, ESUR2023, Rome Auditorium della Tecnica, 21st -24th September 2023

Welcome to ESUR 2023
I am certain the Congress will turn out to be a memorable event. Not only because of  the scientific and professional knowledge provided  by the outstanding international  panel of experts but also thanks to  the extraordinary  opportunity  to visit one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world.

Continue reading “29 Th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology, ESUR2023, Rome Auditorium della Tecnica, 21st -24th September 2023”

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics, Aula Medica Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden  June 7th,8th,9th   2023

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics, Aula Medica Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden June 7th,8th,9th 2023

Welcome to #CILR2023!
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Stockholm for the European Meeting on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery. It is most gratifying that “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” has now reached its 19th consecutive annual edition! The original concept that initiated this adventure remains even more valid and alive, and showing great potential for the future of Urology. The comprehensive scientific program will include live robotic and laparoscopic surgeries performed by the world’s most prominent urologic surgeons. Continue reading “Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics, Aula Medica Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden June 7th,8th,9th 2023”