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Fedra Meetings & Events
6 Ways to use GoPro at your events

6 Ways to use GoPro at your events

GoPro helmet-mounted cameras have been around since by Nicholas Woodman invented them in 2004. They’ve made him a billionaire. Even though they are a perfect fit for the events industry, they are underutilized by event planners, who can use them to speed up the action to cover more ground or slow it down when it’s time to show details.

Here are 6 ways in which event and meeting planners can use GoPro.


Training and Development

Some processes are very intricate. Learners benefit from seeing the details from the point of view of the individuals carrying out the task. Videos shot using GoPro are an ideal vehicle for capturing minute details and walking learners through tasks step-by-step. Retailer Experticity has created a GoPro channel where associates can log in and learn from custom designed videos.

Capture meetings, conferences, and concerts from the point of view of speakers and facilitators

Instead of just giving lip service to audience engagement, incorporate the audience reactions and the point of view of performers and speakers into video highlights.

Relive Outdoor Adventures

Whether it’s zip-lining, bobsledding, dune bashing, or desert adventures on quad bikes, GoPro is the perfect way for participants to relive their adventures.


Capture the Intensity of Action Sports

For fast-paced action sports like polo, GoPro places viewers in the center of the action. In combination with drones that cover a large territory, GoPro is a great way to convey the full intensity of action sports.
GoPro is in the process of developing a quadcopter drone for release in 2016. Event professionals can look forward to this type of footage.

Provide Tours of Resorts

Site inspections are always the best plan, but, when they are not possible, a professional video with images captured through GoPro can give clients the look and feel of a resort or venue.

Preview Off-the-Beaten-Track Adventures

For adventures in rugged territory, footage from a GoPro camera can give clients the information they require to assess whether or not the experience is a good fit from the group.

Finally, here are some tips for using GoPro for events:

  • Storyboard what you want the final video to look like to ensure that you get all required shots.
  • Be sure to obtain the right mounts and other accessories.
  • Invest in large memory cards and always bring backup as memory cards fill up fast.Carry extra batteries and ensure that all batteries are fully charged.
  • Make sure that the lenses are clean. Unlike a digital camera, it won’t be possible to check the lenses before or after every shot.
  • Shoot when lighting is best. Early morning will produce clear and well-lit shots. Late afternoon shots will have shadows and drama.
Congresso Nazionale FederDolore SICD – Roma, Hotel Sheraton Golf, 16-18 Giugno 2016

Congresso Nazionale FederDolore SICD – Roma, Hotel Sheraton Golf, 16-18 Giugno 2016

È con grande piacere che mi accingo a presentare il nostro Congresso che quest’anno affronterà una patologia che ha un’incidenza enorme e che rappresenta un grande problema sanitario e sociale: il mal di schiena. È dallo scorso anno che abbiamo impostato il nostro Congresso su tematiche specifiche, in modo da avere un filo conduttore che possa coinvolgere le diverse figure specialistiche impegnate nel trattamento della patologia in questione. Nella parte introduttiva del Congresso abbiamo voluto dar spazio ai giovani algologi, che rappresentano la nuova linfa su cui riponiamo le nostre speranze per la crescita e la diffusione della cultura algologica, che ancora stenta ad affermarsi. Ho fortemente voluto, avendolo condiviso con il nuovo Direttivo, dar vita al Forum che vede riunite tutte le Società Scientifiche che a vario titolo rappresentano i cultori di questa disciplina, per poter avviare programmi di ricerca, definire percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici ed esprimere in un documento comune l’opinione riguardo ai contenuti delle linee guida 2016 della CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) sull’utilizzo degli oppioidi ed i rischi di abuso e misuso. Un Focus sarà dedicato alla tariffazione delle procedure, in particolare ai diversi modelli regionali in tema di implantologia spinale. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta all’uso dei cannabinoidi che verrà affrontato con un vivace confronto tra chi ne sostiene l’utilizzo e chi è contrario. Il cuore del Congresso sarà incentrato sul tema principale: il dolore lombosacrale ed il dolore degli arti inferiori. Saranno coinvolte le diverse figure professionali chiamate di volta in volta in causa nel trattamento di questa dilagante patologia che, con l’allungamento della vita, è destinata ad aumentare. Nella convinzione che la condivisione dei saperi sia fondamentale nel ricercare le migliori soluzioni per migliorare la qualità di vita dei nostri pazienti, i vari specialisti verranno invitati ad esporre il proprio punto di vista e le possibili opzioni terapeutiche di cui la propria specialità dispone, con riferimento alle evidenze cliniche riportate nella letteratura internazionale. L’obiettivo sarà quello di definire un PDTA fortemente condiviso per il trattamento del mal di schiena che, a tutt’oggi, viene affrontato dai vari attori in maniera non coordinata. Le sessioni si svolgeranno con la partecipazione attiva di tutti i relatori coinvolti, in modo da dar vita ad un vivace confronto animato dai moderatori, evitando possibilmente le presentazioni frontali. Nell’ultima giornata sarà aperto un dibattito sulla FBSS e verranno prese in esame tutte le procedure chirurgiche di cui dispone l’algologo, in particolare la neuromodulazione elettrica. A questo riguardo verranno analizzate le nuove tecnologie proposte, con l’obiettivo di definire vantaggi e limiti al fine di disegnare una flow chart del loro utilizzo. La nostra Società è sottoposta a molte sfide e sollecitazioni che provengono sia dall’interno che dall’esterno: è importante saper discernere tra quelle positive e propositive, che vanno accolte, fatte nostre e rilanciate, e quelle ostative e minacciose, che vanno contrastate e respinte. È solo con il vostro aiuto e con la vostra solidarietà che potremo tenere alto il vessillo della Società Federdolore-SICD che si è sempre contraddistinta nella lotta al dolore persistente-cronico.

Nella speranza di potervi incontrare numerosi a Roma, auguro un Buon Lavoro a Tutti

Sergio Mameli Presidente Federdolore-SICD


Top 5 Apps and Gadget to stay on the go

Top 5 Apps and Gadget to stay on the go

As event planners, we are always on the go. We’re traveling from airport to airport, taking site visits at random locations and working in the closest Starbucks we can find. It’s easy to feel like we aren’t being as productive as we are when we are in the office.

But, while there is nothing like sitting in front of your desk at the office, there are a lot of tools that can help you while you’re traveling. Imagine if you could be nearly as productive on the go as you are in the office. Here are the top five apps for event planners on the go!


Karma Wi-Fi

One of biggest frustrations while traveling is to get access to reliable Wi-Fi.

Clients need a document uploaded and it could takes hours just to try and find a place that will have a strong enough signal to upload the document needed.

With Karma, you can take your hotspot on the go. And, the best part is that you pay for only the data you use. Rather then find a package through your mobile provider that gives you 2GB a month, you can pay only when you need it. It’s really flexible and reliable.


Dropbox is a file storage platform. It allows you to upload the documents that you need on the go and share them, as needed. Their mobile app is great as well and you can access the documents you need, make changes, and re-share them with the appropriate people.


The Pages App

This app is a really great tool for checking notifications, responding to messages and making sure that we are engaging on a regular basis with our Facebook audience.

The general Facebook app is incredibly underwhelming when it comes to brand management, so rather than waiting until you get back to your desktop to deal with a comment on your Facebook page, you can now do it while you are waiting for the train or sitting on the bus.


Slack is a new team communication tool where you can filter feeds, create conversations and eliminate email. This tool is designed for collaborating as teams so it’s a great option to use for your employees. It manages their conversations and keeps them in this platform instead of everything being in your email. And, their mobile app makes it easy to stay connected and updated on the go.


This app is great because it will allow us to log into our desktop from our mobile and access files that we need. Sometimes, there’s simply no greater answer then having direct access to your desktop.

10 Healthy ways to avoid the afternoon slump

10 Healthy ways to avoid the afternoon slump

As inconvenient as that predictable postprandial plunge between 2 and 4 p.m. can be, scientists tell us it’s actually a biological imperative, a mini version of the drowsiness we feel just before bedtime when our core body temperature drops, signaling the brain to release that heavenly chemical dream weaver, melatonin.

Some cultures embrace the slump with a midday siesta; ours not so much. In fact, we westerners tend to make matters worse by giving nary a nod to breakfast, then overcompensating with a carb-crazy lunch and sugary chaser, the perfect prelude to a mid-afternoon plunge. What’s more, once the yawns hit, a caramel latte or candy bar on the run will only provide temporary relief, if not make matters worse.

Here are 10 healthy habits that will help stave off an afternoon siesta:


Declare a time out

Five minutes of alone time to sit, practice deep breathing and clear your mind will put you on a better mental footing to face the rest of the day.

Go for a walk

There’s nothing like a little fresh air, exercise and change of scenery to recharge your metabolism for the work ahead. If the weather outside if frightful, walk briskly down a covered breezeway or up and down a flight or two of stairs to get your blood moving.

Have a drink (No, not that kind of drink!)

A tall glass of ice water does wonders to stave off sleep and rally your metabolism. But avoid alcohol; the sugar content leads to plunge city.

Wrangle your incoming

Counter an approaching plunge by shifting your focus to the texts, voice mails and emails that have amassed while you were busy. It’s a great way to divert a downward spiral and be productive at the same time.


Have a snack (No, not that kind of snack!)

Boost your metabolism with an energy-rich snack. Fresh fruit, trail mix with nuts, or whole-wheat crackers with string cheese are good choices if available. If your only option is vending machine fare, peanut butter and crackers provide a welcome carb-protein pick-me-up. But avoid candy; it lets you down fast.

Plug into your playlist

Spending a few minutes listening to upbeat, engaging music can pick up the beat when it starts to lag. Personally, I’d steer more toward Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” and Meghan Trainor’s “Lips Are Movin’” than, say, Adele’s “Hello.”

Plan tomorrow

Getting a jump on coordinating the appointments and tasks you’ll face tomorrow can interject a welcome wider perspective into your day and clear your mind for a relaxing evening.

Take a reading break

Words have a way of reviving and relaxing us when the minutiae of the day starts to take its toll. Keep a book of inspiring quotes, jokes or meaningful reflections handy or bookmark the same online and use these to revive and reset your mood as needed.


Open the curtains

Feeling drowsy? Part the curtains and welcome in as much sunlight as possible. A 2006 scientific study found that 20 minutes of exposure to bright light increased alertness and boosted brain response. The reason? That old dream weaver Melatonin can’t be produced in bright light.

Catnap if you can

If time and circumstances permit, a 20-minute nap (but no more) can do wonders for your energy level. Scientists caution, however, that catnaps are not a good option if you suffer from insomnia, as they may make nighttime sleeplessness worse.

What’s your name?

What’s your name?

What’s the first thing to know in any new relationship? The other person’s name, of course.

So why do so many of us have trouble putting names to faces?  Do some people’s brains come wired with the skill? Not at all. They care. They know it’s important.

The secret is out: Everyone, from your boss to your assistant, needs to work at it.

The first and most important step: recognizing the strategic advantage of using people’s names when you’re talking to them.

Here’s a common strategy for remembering names, which you can fine tune to suit yourself.


Seize the moment as soon as you meet someone new. Lock eyes and offer your hand. If you missed the name, ask for it. Then use it immediately. “Hello, Jason, “or “It’s nice to meet you, Allison.”

Ask a question

Young woman having business meeting in cafe with two men, smiling
If necessary, ask if you’re pronouncing the name correctly. The other person will appreciate that you care enough to get it right. If appropriate, ask for a business card so you can see the spelling—that’s another chance to etch the name deeper into your mind.

Now, resist the urge to launch right into your side of the conversation. Ask a question instead, and make mental notes about what your new acquaintance is saying while repeating the name silently to yourself.

Create a link or picture in your head

Woman leaning her face on her hand and listening to her co-worker
If the name is the same as someone’s you know, picture them standing together. When it comes to encoding memory, the more color and movement you can give the image and the sillier the better. Alliteration works well for some. Rhyming, too. Carrot-top Karen? Carin’ Karen? Dan from Detroit with the dimple?

End the conversation by repeating the name

“It’s so great to meet you, Homer.” “Hope to see you at the session later, Marge.” Then silently repeat the name to yourself.

Keep a record

As soon as practical, write down the name along with a few relevant attributes. If the person gave you a business card, you might jot a note or two on the card. Finally, back home, go over your notes before filing for future reference.

It takes commitment and effort to remember names. But it’s a skill anyone can master, and it gets easier with practice.