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Fedra Meetings & Events
9 Ways For A More Sustainable Event

9 Ways For A More Sustainable Event

There are many reasons why running an event using sustainable event principles is good for business.

Many of our clients choose to have their event produced, managed and implemented through sustainable event principles because it reinforces the key messages of their event, and/or demonstrates their vision and commitment to sustainability. Other clients are happy to have their event produced through sustainable event principles because it helps them save resources and this reflects well on their business!

Below are 9 simple ways to create a more sustainable event while keeping your guests happy. While it is important to take a whole event approach – it may not be possible to do everything.  You could start with a single initiative and work from there.



Give guests plenty of opportunity to get outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunlight by requesting rooms with opening windows for ventilation and natural lighting. This will help guests breathe easier and see better. If your venue has an outdoor area make the most of it by holding breaks outside.


Provide guests with public transport options such as train timetabling, bus route and bicycle parking facilities. Where public transport is not accessible, arrange shuttle buses to and from the event or promote car sharing.


Appoint a staff member to take responsibility for eliminating unnecessary lighting, power and equipment use. Switch equipment off at the power point after use.


Prioritise venues that demonstrate a commitment to water conservation by installing water saving devices.


Do not provide disposable material such as disposable cutlery, plates, containers or cups.

Instead, provide reusable crockery, serving platters, glasses and cutlery. Depending on the formality of the event, invite attendees to bring their own cups or water bottles.


Ensure that recycling and compost bins are accessible and clearly sign-posted. Ensure guests and vendors limit disposable waste and give preference to recycled and recyclable packaging.



Choose local, seasonal and organic produce or work with a caterer/venue who is committed to sustainable event practices..


Attempt to not provide show bags or copious amounts of printed material. Always question if the printing of brochures and pamphlets is necessary. When printing is necessary use vegetable based inks and post-consumer recycled content paper. Furthermore, consider whether your engagement activities can be done online as this will reduce the need for printed event materials, contributing further to a green event management approach.


Inform your guests and attendees of your commitment to sustainability in your written and verbal communications. This might be as simple as including a page on your event website that outlines your sustainable event initiatives, or informing guests verbally on the day of your event. Another good idea is to clearly label food and beverage that is organic, local or fair-trade.


Do you have other sustainable event ideas to contribute? Write a comment below!

Gi.A.V.A. – Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale – Chieti, Auditorium del Rettorato, 18 Novembre 2016

Gi.A.V.A. – Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale – Chieti, Auditorium del Rettorato, 18 Novembre 2016

Il progressivo aumento delle malattie dell’apparato respiratorio e il continuo progresso tecnologico pongono la medicina moderna di fronte ad una sfida cruciale. La ventilazione artificiale è tra le tecniche che negli ultimi anni più ha beneficiato di innovazioni che offrono nuove possibilità di approccio diagnostico e terapeutico dell’insufficienza respiratoria. Il percorso formativo del Medico che utilizza la ventilazione artificiale non può quindi prescindere da una integrazione tra l’approfondita conoscenza dei processi eziologici e fisiopatologici alla base delle patologie respiratorie e la capacità di sfruttare appieno le potenzialità che la tecnologia mette oggi a disposizione per una gestione ottimale dell’insufficienza respiratoria. Con questi presupposti, la Giornata di Aggiornamento sulla Ventilazione Artificiale (GIAVA) si propone come occasione di aggiornamento sulle tematiche più importanti della ventilazione meccanica. Grazie al contributo di relatori qualificati, tutti
riconosciuti esperti a livello nazionale ed internazionale, verranno approfonditi in particolare gli argomenti che recentemente sono stati più dibattuti o hanno ricevuto più attenzione da parte della comunità scientifica. La GIAVA vuole inoltre essere un momento di confronto tra i Medici e gli Operatori che in Abruzzo ed in Italia Centrale compiono la loro quotidiana attività professionale per porsi in maniera sempre più efficace ed efficiente al servizio del paziente. La GIAVA è rivolta a tutto il personale sanitario coinvolto nell’utilizzo della ventilazione in ogni contesto, come Anestesisti-Rianimatori, Pneumologi, Sanitari della Medicina e Chirurgia di Accettazione e di Urgenza, Medici del 118 o di altre Specialità che desiderano approfondire questo argomento. Nella certezza che questo evento incontri le aspettative di tutta la Comunità regionale di Medici interessati alla ventilazione meccanica, aspetto di incontrarvi numerosi a Chieti.

Salvatore Maurizio Maggiore

Presidente del Congresso





How To Be More Productive at Work [Infographic]

How To Be More Productive at Work [Infographic]

When it comes to how you can be productive at work, the design of your workspace can have a major impact on your productivity levels.

It has the potential to increase your work output or hinder it. From lighting to noise levels, there is a lot that can affect your work. By implementing small steps such as checking your posture and keeping your desk space clean, you can ensure that you have the optimal productivity levels at your place of employment.

For example, researchers at Cornell University found a higher level of adrenaline in employees who were exposed to low levels of noise, compared to employees exposed to no noise. This particular discovery led them to believe that employees who experienced higher levels of noise were more stressed.

To find out what is the key to a productive workspace, let’s check out this infographic from Davitt Corporate Partners.

What is your biggest distraction at work? Let us know in the comments below!


How To Fly Like A Pro

How To Fly Like A Pro

When it comes to business travel, being an expert flyer doesn’t require paying up for business class airfare.

All it takes to fly like a pro is knowing what to pack, how to pack it, and where to spend your time once you get through airport security.

The infographic below from Business Insider has all the tips you need for a stress-free and productive business travel experience.

travel infographic_02

How To Use Lighting Creatively

How To Use Lighting Creatively

Lighting is an important element to consider when planning special events and ceremonies.

Lighting can be colorful or white, static or dynamic, focused or fill a room. And it can be serve a host of purposes, such as setting the mood and creating a distinct atmosphere, highlighting event features and culinary displays as well as cuing speakers and presentations.


Colorful Uplighting

Uplighting can add depth and visual interest to any meeting space. Consider using colored uplighting that plays into the event’s theme.


Illuminated Bar

Highlight a beverage display, like this full bar and cocktail lineup, by placing it on LED glass. The lighting draws attention to the display and gives it a unique look.


Dynamic Gobo Lighting

Lighting doesn’t have to be static. Using gobos (precut etched patterns made from glass or metal), you can project dynamic lighting onto the walls of the space to add visual excitement and movement to a celebratory or social gathering.


Logo in Lights

Use a gobo to display the company or event logo. Putting it in lights is a dramatic way to keep the brand top-of-mind throughout the event.



Shift attendees’ focus to speakers or guests of honor with spotlighting. Spotlights also can be used to light stages, runways and aisles.