Autore: Fedra

Fedra Meetings & Events
Around the kidney, Milan – Niguarda Hospital, November 28-29, 2018

Around the kidney, Milan – Niguarda Hospital, November 28-29, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The treatments for Kidney and Upper urinary tract cancer are quickly evolving.
Research and technology dramatically changed the approach to those diseases.
Partial nephrectomy has become the standard treatment for the majority of
kidney masses, irrespectively of tumor size, but still kidney and urothelial
cancer might need challenging surgery, with radical nephrectomy removing
the whole ureter or tumor thrombus in the renal vein or in vena cava.
Minimally invasive surgery has allowed to reduce complications maintaining
the possibility to spare the kidney whenever technically possible and
oncologically safe; it is still debated if laparoscopy and robotic surgery offer
similar results. Moreover, virtual reality, 3D printing and hologram systems
gave further insights in the anatomical structure of the kidney improving
surgical outcomes.
During the course, some of the most expert national and international surgeons
in the world will show in live and semi-live surgery the advantages and
disadvantages of their approaches, showing specific tips and tricks. Finally,
the medical treatments for the advanced situations are shifting their
paradigms with new molecules and drugs. Expert panels of urologists and
oncologists will make the point of the current knowledge on these topics.
In the third year of the urological courses organized in the historical and
innovative Niguarda Hospital, coming after the successful Around the prostate
and Around the bladder, Around the kidney will give you a 360° vision of the
most innovative treatments for kidney and upper tract urothelial cancer.
Save the date and come to Milan!






3653 giorni al servizio del Paziente – Decennale di Chirurgia Robotica al S. Giovanni Addolorata, Roma, Auditorium Antonianum, 15-16 Novembre 2018

3653 giorni al servizio del Paziente – Decennale di Chirurgia Robotica al S. Giovanni Addolorata, Roma, Auditorium Antonianum, 15-16 Novembre 2018

A dieci anni dall’introduzione della chirurgia robotica presso il San Giovanni Addolorata cogliamo l’occasione per fare il punto sulla situazione.

La chirurgia mini-invasiva è attualmente il gold standard per molti interventi urologici e sta rapidamente diffondendosi ad altri ambiti, come la chirurgia generale e ginecologia. In queste discipline l’utilizzo della chirurgia robotica consente ai chirurghi di operare con maggiore precisione e con un numero limitato di piccole incisioni.
Permette inoltre ai chirurghi di affrontare in maniera minimamente invasiva anche i casi più complessi con una drastica diminuzione delle complicazioni, garantendo una maggiore sicurezza e un’elevata qualità di cura.

Il Decennale della Chirurgia Robotica al San Giovanni Addolorata è finalizzato a condividere la nostra esperienza di chirurgia mini-invasiva con Colleghi afferenti ad altre strutture e con Medici di Medicina generale interessati ad approfondire il tema.

Landmarks Embrio – Anatomici Della Chirurgia Pelvica ed Addominale

Landmarks Embrio – Anatomici Della Chirurgia Pelvica ed Addominale

L’obiettivo del corso, è l’approfondimento teorico-pratico delle problematiche legate al trattamento chirurgico delle patologie a carico dell’apparato riproduttivo femminile mediante tecniche endoscopiche avanzate utilizzando le più innovative concezioni embrio-anatomiche come chiave esemplificativa del gesto chirurgico.  Verrà spegata ed attuata dal vivo in live-surgery la preparazione del restroperieroneo pelvico ed aortico secondo principi embrionanatomici e saranno utilizzate a confronto le più recenti tecnologie di taglio e sintesi e di mapping linfonodale con indocianina.

Il corso è riservato a 6 partecipanti ed è articolato in:

  • Brevi sessioni teoriche introduttive alla live surgery
  • Pratica Chirurgica in Sala Operatoria dove verrà illustrata e condivisa l’attività pratica

per l’apprendimento ed approfondimento di ogni passaggio tecnico-chirurgico, inclusi

eventuali “tips and tricks” per specifica procedura

Epicrisi dopo la chirurgia in diretta riprendendo i passaggi salienti dell’intervento e le eventuali complicanze.


Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2018 – Leipzig, June 28th-30th, 2018

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2018 – Leipzig, June 28th-30th, 2018

Dear Colleagues

It is a great pleasure to invite you to Leipzig for the 15th European Meeting on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery – “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics”.

The world’s most renowned surgeons will perform a wide spectrum of the most challenging examples of urological procedures such as prostatectomy, cystectomy with urinary diversion and partial nephrectomy as well as innovative procedures such as robotic assisted kidney transplantation.

The live surgery component will always include 3 procedures being performed in parallel. Every procedure can be followed from start to finish! For the first time the program will be further enriched by semi-live video presentations and discussion of complications of selected procedures.

Furthermore, late breaking news about the latest innovations in robotic surgery and technology will be included in the program and exhibition.

Leipzig is a historical city (more than 1000 years old) with a rich cultural and commercial profile. Major classical music composers have lived and flourished here. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and the Saint Thomas boys’ choir are world famous. In addition, major car industries (Porsche and BMW) produce several of their lines in Leipzig.

We are delighted to invite all delegates to our ‘Get Together Dinner’ which will be organized in the extraordinary Porsche exhibition centre.

Clearly, music, action and speed are major characteristics of this city alongside a rich cultural and educational history. This is the perfect city to host “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” for the second time since 2011.

Welcome to Leipzig!




TUM18 in Numbers

TUM18 in Numbers

#TUM18 in Numbers:

350 delegates from all over the world

50 Faculty members

21 Invited surgeons for the Live Surgery

22 surgical procedures 4 Operating Rooms

3 Da Vinci®️ Systems

30 Staff members

Thank You and See You at #TUM19 ❤️

Courtesy Cars: Erre Esse S.p.A. – Centri Porsche Coffee Break: LAVAZZA Platinum Sponsors: MultiMed  ab medica  KARL STORZ  Organizing Secretariat: FEDRA CONGRESSI